A man sits behind a table on a stage. There are five other people depicted on screens behind him

2022 Electoral Area Directors Debate

The Electoral Area Directors Debate was the first of six all candidates debates co hosted by the Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce, with the CR Mirror and the Tidemark Theatre Society.

The audio starts at 6:39

The candidates are:

  • For Area A ( Kyuquot/Nootka-Sayward) – Gerald Whalley (incumbent), Sarah Fowler
  • For Area B (Cortes Island) – Mark Vonesch (acclaimed)
  • For Area C (Discovery Islands & Mainland Inlets) – Marc Doll, Robyn Mawhinney
  • For Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake) – Brenda Leigh (incumbent), John Rice

The debate was moderated by Mary Ruth Snyder, Executive Director of the Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce,

Top image credit: Screenshot for the Electoral Area Directors debate

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