All About the Georgia Strait Alliance


They may be the only citizens group group focused on protecting the marine environment in and around the whole Strait of Georgia. This is both where 70% of British Columbians live, work and play – and the most threatened environment in our province. In the podcast below, Executive Director  Christianne Wilhelmson told me “All about the Georgia Strait Alliance.” 

The Georgia Straight Alliance’s origins go back to 1990, when a group of Nanaimo residents responded to some of the pressures they saw being put on the surrounding ocean.

“Pollution, habitat loss, loss of our estuaries, increasing industrial impacts on the water. We felt that nobody speaking to all these issues from a regional perspective …. communities were being impacted both ecologically and economically, but they weren’t at the table …,” says Wilhelmson.

She talks about some of issues they have dealt (pulp mills, sewage, protesting orcas, potential oil spills) with down to the Climate Change demonstration on September 20.

Christin=anne Wilhelmson, Executive Director of the Georgia Strait Alliance
Christin=anne Wilhelmson, Executive Director of the Georgia Strait Alliance


Originally Broadcast on Cortes Community Radio, CKTZ, 89.5 FM Audio on Tuesday, Sept 23, 12:00 – 12:30 am.

(Image at top of page: Breaking the Stillness – Courtesy Ingrid Taylar, CC by SA, 2.0 )