BC’s LNG Dream

Screen-shot-2014-03-18-at-3.43.47-PM1There are currently 17 proposed projects. Depending on who you are talking to, anywhere from none to five could go forward. In this morning’s interview, I interviewMatt Horne, of the Pembina Institute, about  BC’s LNG Dream.

BC’s LNG Dream

the Pembina Institute's associate regional director for British Columbia.
the Pembina Institute’s associate regional director for British Columbia.

“I don’t think anyone is seriously thinking all 17 projects will be built. Really, other than the government, you are not hearing many people saying five will be built. The balance of projects are between zero an three,” says Horne.

In the interview that follows he talks about:

  • the legislation introduced on October 20, 2014
  • What does BC intend to develop into the World’s cleanest LNG industry and  what must wait until later
  • How many projects do non-governmental sources expect will go forward?
  • Greenhouse Gas emissions
  • Is BC is missing opportunities while it concentrates on LNG?

Links of interest:

Broadcast on Cortes Community Radio (CKTZ, 89.5 FM), Powell River Community Radio (CJMP, 90.1 FM) and  Spring Island Radio (107.9 & 102.1 FMGREEN) BC’s LNG Dream

(Image at top of page: of girl looking at approaching LNG tanker – courtesy Warren Rohner, CC By SA, 2.0)

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