Bike Rack

Bike Rack for Hague Lake

Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) has been working with BC Parks to install a bike rack at the Hague Lake beach access on Cortes Island.   

Photo credit: Stumpy by Johann Kuester via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License) 

“The idea behind the rack that was is to try and encourage people to go by bike to the lake, rather than drive, and also because the parking lot gets very overcrowded. It’s more environmentally friendly too and  if people want to  cycle they now have a secure place to put their bike,” said Helen Hall,  Executive Director of FOCI. 

Hall did not know how many bikes could use this rack at a time, but said, “I’ve seen bikes racks where people really cram them in. I would think we could get at least eight bikes on the bike rack.” 

She added that the idea came from BC Parks and “We’ve got a good partnership going with BC Parks to make improvements to Provincial Parks on the island.”

Where the Bike Racks are going – Roy L Hales

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Photo credit: Stumpy by Johann Kuester via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)