An icy road through snow clad trees

Campbell River driving instructor gives advice on winter driving

CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from

Already inundated with snow, Cortes Island’s roads are presenting challenging winter conditions for drivers early this season.

Kallin Wilson, owner and operator of Wilson Family Drivers school in Campbell River, recommends that drivers trust their instincts and avoid going out if conditions feel unsafe.

But sometimes staying home is not an option. Wilson also offered many tips from making sure a vehicle is winter-roadworthy, to having emergency equipment onboard in case of possible adverse situations such as getting stuck, to best practices if the wheels lose their traction on the road surface.

Cortes roads fall into North Vancouver Island Service Area 3, overseen by Mainroad North Island Contracting. Besides maintaining public roads, Mainroad has a 24/7 call center for reporting unsafe conditions or debris.

Top photo credit: It often takes snowplowing crews longer to get to rural side roads. Photo by Anastasia Avvakumova