Press release from the Campbell River RCMP
Campbell River RCMP have already responded to several calls from local businesses and customers regarding individuals who refuse to follow new provincial mask protocols.
“As of 6am on November 27th, 2020, the Campbell River RCMP had yet to hand out any of the new Covid face covering fines,” advised Cst Maury Tyre. “Fines and arrests are absolutely the last action we want to be taking, but if people continue to push boundaries it’s going to happen.
“Police are reminding the segment of the public that chooses not to wear masks that there are other options to attain items they may be seeking in stores:
- Online shopping
- curbside pick-up
- delivery
“I recognize their are dissenting opinions and multiple other concepts that can be found online regarding the present mask policies, but right now these are the rules and laws that are being applied equally across the province,
said Cst Tyre. Being belligerent with a store employee who is just working to feed their family is not going to change the laws and is more than likely going to get you fined or arrested.
“If you have a medical disability that prevents you from wearing a face covering, please be sure to let staff at a location know if they are asking you to wear a mask. Your particular diagnosis is your business, but the location you are entering is their business. A suggestion could possibly be a doctor’s note simply excusing you from wearing a mask, without diagnosis on it, much the same way as employers may require an employee to bring in a doctor’s note if they have been sick for any length of time.”
“In the end, people are doing their best in trying to deal with an ongoing pandemic that many people are frustrated by. Keep that in mind and try to treat everyone with as much respect as you would want shown to you and your family.”
“Be kind, be safe, and above all, please be calm.”
Top photo: Mask at Farmer’s market – courtesy Baker County Tourism