Man looking across from the deck of one ferry to another

Cortes Island-bound ferry traffic loses priority loading status, locals concerned

CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from

BC Ferries’ two-ferry service that began on the Quadra Island-Campbell River route on Jan. 18 was deployed for convenience and speed, but some Cortes Island passengers are concerned with their recent experiences.

The loss of a priority loading lane for Cortes-bound traffic was mentioned in a news release by the company Jan.16. Traditionally, vehicles en route to Cortes were directed into lane 7 at the ferry terminal in Campbell River, and they board and disembark first. This would assist the drivers in arriving at the other ferry terminal on Quadra in time to catch a connecting 45-minute ferry home to Cortes—ferries that only sail every two hours.

One of the most impacted demographics may be foot passengers, who often walk along lane 7 to find a ride across Quadra. With Cortes-bound vehicles now peppered throughout the Campbell River ferry terminal parking lot, it’s unclear how they will find their way across. Quadra Island has only one taxi that has been reported as inaccessible for different reasons.

Locals who have already been impacted have taken their concerns to online forums including one provided by BC Ferries, although the webpage states people will only get a direct reply if they email Michael Lynch, chair of the Quadra-Cortes Ferry Advisory Committee, confirmed that the item is on the next meeting’s lengthy agenda.

Top image credit: Two-ferry service began on the Campbell River-Quadra Island route on Jan. 18. Image courtesy of BC Ferries.