Cortes Referenda Are Moving Forward

There was a surprise waiting in minutes of the February 28th session. After all the spectators went home, the Strathcona Regional District Board briefly reconvened in public to make an announcement. The Cortes referenda are moving forward for consideration at the next board meeting.

Cortes Referenda

“Well, its early to break out the bubbly, but the wind has sure changed direction!” said one of the participants.

The “how,” “what,” and “when” have yet to be determined, but the SRD board has contacted the two Cortes groups who made presentations (Cec & Christine Robinson and the SCCA). According to the minutes of the February 28th session:

The Board reconvened in public at 3:20 p.m.

Abram/Leigh: SRD 286/19″ 

THAT the Board release the following decisions to the public:

Bylaw No. 341 – Cortes Island Community Hall Service Initiative”

THAT the report entitled ‘Bylaw No. 341 – Cortes Island Community Hall Service Initiative’ that was deferred at the January 24, 2019 Board meeting be returned for further consideration at the next meeting.

Bylaw No. 328 – Cortes First Responder Service

THAT the report entitled ‘Bylaw No. 328 – Cortes First Responder Service’ that was deferred at the January 24, 2019 Board meeting be returned for further consideration at the next meeting.

Advisory Planning Commission

While there was no mention of Cortes Island’s 2019 Advisory Planning Commission, one would expect that this years appointments are imminent.

Top Photo Credit: Fireworks by Dominik Susmel via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)