forgotten seniors

Federal budget: The forgotten seniors (Aged 65-74)

More than 28% of the population of Cortes and Quadra Islands are seniors. The Federal budget has provisions for the estimated 3.3 million Canadian seniors aged 75 years and older, but nothing for those between 65-74. Rachel Blaney, the MP for North Island – Powell River, asks what are we going to do for the forgotten seniors?

Rachel Blaney during Question Period Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons

Increasing Old Age Security benefits for seniors age 75 and older

The budget outlines the provisions for seniors 75 and older:

  • Budget 2021 proposes to meet the immediate needs of this group of seniors by providing a one-time payment of $500 in August 2021 to OAS pensioners who will be 75 or over as of June 2022.
  • Budget 2021 then proposes to introduce legislation to increase regular OAS payments for pensioners 75 and over by 10 per cent on an ongoing basis as of July 2022. This would increase the benefits for approximately 3.3 million seniors, providing additional benefits of $766 to full pensioners in the first year, and indexed to inflation going forward. This would give seniors more financial security later in life, particularly at the time when they face increased care expenses and greater risk of running out of savings.”

“In total, these two measures represent $12 billion over five years in additional financial support, beginning in 2021-22, and at least $3 billion per year ongoing, to be delivered by Employment and Social Development Canada.” – The Federal Budget

Rachel Blaney is 100% behind the government’s decision to support seniors 75 and older. 

The forgotten seniors

“The problem I have is it seems to say that all seniors between the ages of 65 and 74 are doing great and they have options. They can go to work for a while longer, if that is what they want, and it is all good,” said Blaney. 

There are a lot of seniors who are doing well, she admits. Some of told her they do not need the extra money. 

“I understand that, but the seniors who need it – need it desperately. One of the things I was disappointed about, is I didn’t see an increase in the guaranteed income supplement. That is a round of money that goes to the most low income seniors across this country,” said Blaney.

She insists that a couple of hundred dollars a month extra would make a difference.

“That would change lives and allow seniors to live healthier, happier and more content.” 

Blaney adds, “I keep telling the government, when we are looking at great solutions we shouldn’t just take the simplest and easiest thing that makes us feel better. We need to look at the complexity of the issue and make sure no one is left behind. And I feel in this budget, the most vulnerable seniors in Canada were left behind.” 

Top photo credit: the beauty of an old man’s trail by Rey Perezoso via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)

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12 thoughts on “Federal budget: The forgotten seniors (Aged 65-74)”

  1. The forgotten seniors will remember this in the next election. Freeland’s comment no one will be left out is a joke. Are those young seniors considered no one.

    1. I am one of those between 65 – 74. I as a person loved Pierre Trudeau. I continued supporting Justin. When Election come around I will not forget. Last year the children received the extra $600. Now the
      75 + receiving the increase. Enough is enough.

    2. I’m a senior at the age of 70, I had to retire at 66 because of health reasons ending my working career that I wanted to work until 70. I get no extra income and my doctor told me I’m not entitled to get the disability tax credit he won’t sign the tax forms stating that I’m to healthy to get it, I can’t walk anymore than 2 blocks and I have to sit and rest I guess we have to be on our death bed than maybe I would qualify

  2. Very very disappointing seniors is senior we have to live we can’t work 45 and 50 years we have to stop and enjoy what time we have left was looking for the one time payment because we are not 75 and over we don’t get any thing my my

  3. If the government would raise the OAS for all seniors living below the poverty line – That would be progress!

  4. I am one of the Forgotten Seniors.I believe Every Senior from 65 onward should be accounted for financially.75 just is not FAIR TOO MANY.

  5. i agree i pay out of my picket for medicationa glasses and dental so i only get my meds we have to eat and live and pay ent and lights too trudeau needs to step up and help us seniors more . but come election time he wants votes

  6. I am one of the forgotten.70 years of age and low income.What about us???????????I will definately be first in line to vote .We are the Forgotten

  7. I have always voted liberal but not this time. Since I have been so easily left on the sidelines in all senior financial help. Don’t expect my vote anymore. This latest $500 stimulus for older seniors only after them getting the large increase in pension and OAS is just another slap in the face from this government.

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