Looking through a glass doorway with the words 'Strahcona Regional Regional District' printed on it. Someone is sitting at a desk within.

Final meeting of the outgoing SRD Board

The outgoing Strathcona Regional District Board held its final meeting on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. This is the first time that most of the Directors have met around the table since the pandemic began. They shared their thoughts about the election and the preceding term, at a Directors Roundtable.

Image credit: Outgoing Director Jim Abram was one of three Directors who attended virtually. The others were Brenda Leigh and Ron Kerr – Screenshot from meeting video

Seven Directors who will not serve in the new board were among the speakers. 

The first was Noba Anderson, who has represented Cortes Island since 2008, but did not run in this election.  

Regional Director Noba Anderson

“It’s good to be sitting here with you again. It’s been a long time. Thank you Chair for your service and, everyone here at the board for the many years you’ve all put in. I really wish those few of you that are staying on to put a lot of good energy and intention into creating as healthy and dynamic and productive an atmosphere and environment you can at this table, and really wish you all the very best,” she said.

She was followed by Jim Abram, who was first elected in what is now called Area C, in 1988, but is also retiring. 

He attended virtually, “It’s been a long time. I could write a book, but I’ll keep it short. I absolutely love my community and representing my community. I’ve  enjoyed working for them for 35 years, representing them, advocating for them, joining in all their volunteer efforts, preserving our area, protecting our area, and providing leadership to this absolutely phenomenal area: Area C. I’m going to miss being in the middle of the action with them in the future and I wish my successor all the best. I know she will devote all of her energy and being to this community. She’ll have no choice. So, thank you very much.” 

Brenda Leigh has represented what is now Area D since 1993, but was defeated in this election. 

Outgoing Director Colleen Evans

She also logged in to the meeting, “I would just like to say thank you to all the Area D constituents who supported me  over the last three decades. It was a fairly close race. I think that the new incoming director will have his hands full to try to fill my boots because I did work very hard for the region. One thing that makes me happy is I won’t have to read agendas and go to any more meetings. That is really positive. There are new possibilities in life and it’s time for me to find those possibilities, and I’m looking forward to doing that.  I’ve enjoyed working with  the people at the Regional District and being very cooperative and  I hope that everyone will have good luck in the future.”

Three well known Campbell Directors, who were defeated in their bids for reelection, spoke.

Colleen Evans said, “I just want to begin by just saying congratulations to all the new directors that were elected. What an honor it’s been to serve on this board, from a regional perspective, with the directors around the table.  I just want to say a special thank you to our, Chair Brad (Unger). You’ve done an incredible job in your role and it’s been a very progressive role that you’ve taken on. I just want to thank you very much for all your contribution. dnd to say to staff, there is just a wealth of knowledge that the SRD has in our staff and, again, just a special thank you to staff.”

Directors Davis and Moglove

In addition to having served on the city council for 12 years, Claire Moglove is also Second Vice President of the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM). 

“I also want to say congratulations to all those new directors who were elected and also best wishes to those who are not returning for one reason or another. I’m not sure if you know, but this means I will not in fact become President of UBCM. I would have been the shortest UBCM President in history, the shortest in stature. I’ve been on the SRD since 2008, although I did have that involuntary hiatus between 2014 and 2018. One of the things I’ve always thought of, and I’ve talked to colleagues around the province is, this regional’s district is particularly difficult because it is so big and the diversity of communities. It’s really hard to have a regional focus,” she said.  

“I have to say the highlight for me was in my first term (2008-2011) when we came together as a regional district on the hospital issue.  It was an issue that we could all get behind. We all stood together. We all spoke with one voice.  It brought us together. I really, really hope that the new board can find an issue that can bring them together. It’s difficult, but I hope you find that. Connected coast is one, but it’s not as visceral as the hospital. I wish everyone all the best going forward and our paths may cross again.” 

Outgoing Director Charlie Cornfield

Charlie Cornfield has been a Campbell River Councillor for 20 years and also served as mayor for one term. He was just defeated in a bid to once again become Mayor of Campbell River.

“I want to say congratulations to the new board. For those of you that are returning, great, well done, well deserved. To the new board coming in, work with the people. It’s important. I want to say thanks to all of  the current board, and especially our Chair Brad (Unger). There were some challenging times.  Reminding everyone of COVID, changed everything we did. Enough to say about that. I want to thank staff. We’ve got a really good staff here, of which I would like to give credit to our CAO, Dave Leitch. It has been truly a pleasure and honor to work with you. I like your style, it’s made a huge difference, at least what I’ve seen in it relative to the staff that are here. It’s not just the staff themselves, but it’s the leadership that helped determine that. For the most, It’s been a rewarding experience and I’m proud of what we all accomplished,” began Cornfield.  

Directors Colborne and Anderson, with staff in background

He listed some of the things he enjoyed while in office, “I chaired the first Nations relations committee up until we could turn it over to my old friend, Kevin Jules. And Kevin, I know you’re going to do well at that. Keep at it.  I chaired the solid Waste Advanced Technology committee or the SWAT team. Somebody keep that one alive because as technologies change and improve we still need somebody to push that envelope. Director Moglove brought up the hospital. We will need a hospital district chair, which usually goes to the Strathcona District. So for all of you that are here, do not lose sight ot this. That’s a 153 bed long term care facility, business cases done. It’s in front of the minister to get through treasury. It’s up to you guys to keep that pressure. There’s one unifying thing that the whole board supports, not just through Strathcona portion, but also Comox Valley. So don’t let it die, keep on it, give it a high priority.” 

“The only disappointment that I had, and that was due to COVID, was we were supposed to do a council, or at least a community to community meeting in Kyuquot. We couldn’t pull it off during COVID, but I’ve always said the best way to know is to go out and have a look. Move the meetings around. We used to do that a long, long time ago. Go have a meeting at Sayward, it’s not that far. Go to Tahsis. People in communities are proud of their community and they want to show it off too. it gives a chance to broaden their horizons and improve communication. So I would say by all means, it’s worth the expense. I  was very fortunate because my job, when I worked with the government, took me over our entire area.  I got to experience everything firsthand. It sure makes a difference if you can do that. Encouragement to the new incoming board and to staff make it happen.”

Director Martin Davis

Cornfield concluded, “I just want to say thanks to everyone, Colleen (Evans) and Claire (Moglove) especially, for being not just on this board, but on council as well.  We’ll stay in touch and if anyone ever needs any historical stuff for background information, you know how to get in touch with me.”

Outgoing Mayor Andy Adams, of Campbell River, could not attend this meeting, as he was at a conference in Nanaimo.

There were also some politicians who were relected and wil serve on the next SRD Board.

Gerald Whalley has been the Regional Director of Area A since 2008. He retained his seat and will serve in the new SRD Board, but declined to comment.  

Julie Colborne will serve yet another term as Mayor of Zeballos, “I’ll be here. I just want to wish the directors who are not coming back, that we’ve served with these in these last four years, (the best) on whatever new opportunities that they pursue and whatever adventures they find themselves on. I hope that this next iteration of this board is a cohesive, inclusive and thoughtful board.”

Director Mark Baker

Mayor Martin Davis of Tahsis added, “It’s going to be a very different board.  I guess it’s going to take some getting used to, because I know a number of the people that I look up to and have taken advice from over the years will no longer be here. That makes me sad.  Best wishes to all the directors that won’t be back, especially Jim (Abram), Brenda (Leigh) and Charlie (Cornfield), longtime directors. I want to thank all of you for your time and service to our community. I’m looking forward to working with the new people. They have some big boots to fill.  Democracy is a messy business. Sometimes it makes the right decisions and sometimes it doesn’t, in my opinion. Thanks for everybody that’s provided their service and I’m going to miss your faces. Maybe we’ll chat sometime, maybe through Facebook, who knows? Good luck in your future endeavors, holidays and all the free time you may have.” 

Mark Baker, who retained his position as Mayor of Sayward by acclamation, began, “Don’t laugh at me Charlie, it’s early.  I just want to say a big thanks to a lot of the members on the board for giving me guidance and helping me with advice. From the ladies over here to the bigger gentleman at the end,  it meant a lot to me to have you guys support me and be there for me and give me guidance. Most of it was actually good. I do look forward to meeting with the new board and going forward as a regional group and not segmented. Thank you very much. And to the Chair, thank-you.” 

Director Kevin Jules

Kevin Jules did not run in this election, as he is the representtative of the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/ Che:k’tles7et’h (Kyuquot/Checlesaht) First Nations.

“I want to congratulate all of  the new faces we’ll be seeing around the table and I want to  give a big congratulations to the people that we won’t see around the table anymore,” he said. “I say this to my members all the time,  one day they’re going to read about us in the history books and the fact  that we made a big part of history by joining the Strathcona Regional District. I’m very happy with the open arms and all the wonderful conversations we’ve had.” 

This was the last SRD Board meeting that Brad Unger will chair for awhile. He was defeated in his bid for reelection as Mayor of Gold River.

“I want to wish the new board all the best. I know you guys will work hard for the Strathcona Regional District, just as this board did and the previous boards. So I wish you all the best and good luck,” began Chair Unger.

Thomas Yates, Outgoing Chair Brad Unger & CAO Dave Leitch

“I am very proud of our achievements. We’ve had some highs and some lows, but we’ve had some really good achievements. We’ve got some good stuff happening on the regional district as a regional district, and I’m proud  of that because I know eight years ago when I came here, it wasn’t, in my opinion, a real regional district. It wouldn’t happen without staff,  from Dave (Leitch) to Tom (Yates), to each and every one of their staff. Hard working, dedicated people – I thank you. Fellow directors, it’s been great, lots of fun.”

Top image credit: Door of the SRD Boardroom – Photo by Roy L Hales; All other photo are screenshots taken from the video of the October 26, 2022 meeting.

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