Folk U: Linda Solomon Talks about the state of the media today

On Friday, January 5, Linda Solomon Wood joined Manda Aufochs Gillespie on Folk U Radio to talk about the state of the media today.

Solomon has been a professional journalist since the 1970s and founded the Vancouver Observer in 2009. As the bio on her website explains, this grew into a national publication:

“Linda Solomon Wood founded Canada’s National Observer in 2015 with the mission of putting climate change front and centre in Canada. CNO’s team of climate experts and journalists have done just that, highlighting the economic, human rights and public health impacts of global warming. With an audience of more than 7 million people over the last year, CNO covers issues and challenges associated with climate such as public health, disinformation, corporate overreach and environmental justice. Our podcast, Race Against Climate Change, was a finalist for the Canadian Journalism Foundation’s ‘Best Climate Solution Reporting’ award. In earlier years, our reporting has received more than 50 honours and awards, primarily for investigative work. Our subscribers include The Government of Canada, universities, libraries and civil society organizations as well as thousands of individuals and foundations who make our journalism possible. In 2020, Linda kicked off CNO’s podcasts with “Conversations”, interviews with leaders tackling global warming. Linda served for seven years as editor-in-chief of Canada’s National Observer, before stepping into the role of publisher in the fall of 2022.”

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