looking through the ferns to a trail

Quadra Project: Further Sierra Quadra correspondence about Mosaic’s Forest Stewardship plan

Originally published on the Discovery Islander

Mosaic has replied to Sierra Quadra’s critique of its 2022 Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for TFL 47 on Quadra Island. As we feared, all the attention and time given to studying and responding to this document was mostly a waste of effort. Despite Mosaic’s invitation to receive public input, the FSP is almost totally resistant to changes. 

We have argued that we are facing a climate emergency that necessitates a dramatic change in the way we understand and manage our forests, and that the present treatment of Quadra’s forests is no longer compatible with either the unfolding global ecological crisis, or with the interests and values that now constitute island lifestyles. This community should not be a forced supplier of logs to mostly foreign consumers. 

Mosaic’s argument is that they are merely doing what they are required to do. The following is Jennifer Peschke’s reply from Mosaic: “In summary, Mosaic must prepare an FSP that is consistent with currently approved regulations and land use plans. Many factors noted in your letter are outside of Mosaic’s control. FRPA [Forest and Range Practices Act] amendments, Forest Landscape Planning, the Old Growth Strategic Review and Technical Advisory Panel recommendations for old growth deferrals are in the hands of the BC government and First Nations (G2G). The FSP can be amended from time to time in following amendments to regulation and land use plans. This FSP will only remain in effect until there is a Forest Landscape Plan(s) established for the Quadra and Quinsam areas.” 

Ma showing forest canopy loss
Forest coverage loss in the Johnstone Strait portion of Tree License #47 – adapted from Global Forest Change by Roy L Hales

Consequently, Mosaic makes no mention of trees as instruments of carbon sequestration, or of forests as reserves for biodiversity, climate control, or green spaces that enhance the quality of life for this community and its economic health. Trees are objects that are logged to meet the calculations of annual allowable cuts, and Tree Farm Licences are the authorized places where this logging legally happens. History has deemed that most of Quadra Island happens to fall into this unfortunate category. And, according to Mosaic’s response to Sierra Quadra’s critique of its FSP, nothing can be done to change this situation. 

Even protection of the watershed of Hyacinthe Creek would have to be established by designating it a Fisheries Sensitive Watershed through another agency of government. Meanwhile, Mosaic intends to log it in a manner such that fisheries values are protected. This is Peschke’s reply, if it is any consolation: “It is worth noting that watersheds designated as a FSW must maintain Equivalent Clearcut Area (ECA) at [less than or equal to] 20%. This is a higher level of harvesting than Mosaic has done or plans to carry out within the Hyacinthe Creek Watershed.”

A more worrisome reply concerning present and future logging on Quadra Island comes from the office of the District Manager of FLNR (BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development) in Campbell River. In answer to the question concerning the 25-33% of Quadra’s trees that must be protected as mature forests, this is the reply: “As stated on page 1 of the Order (Vancouver Island Land Use Plan Higher Level Plan Order) there are 2 footnotes that describe how ‘mature’ and ‘old’ [are] defined for the purposes of the Order.” After a preamble of definitions, this is the interpretation of the Order: “It means they must have the target amount of mature (>= 80 years old) forest in place within 50 years. Since the order was signed in the year 2000, the ’50 years’ would end in 2050.” 

Top image credit: A trail on Quadra Island – Photo by Yakari-Travel via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)

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