The heads and shoulders of three teens, walking together, viewed from behind

More than ever, parents need to be advocates for sexual health education, expert says

CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from

On February 25 of this year, the Cortes Community Health Association provided a free online workshop entitled “How to talk to your kids about…” The workshop was led by certified sexual health educator Kerri Isham who trains professionals, parents and caregivers in three main areas: creating a culture of child protection, sexual health education for children and youth and information regarding the long-term impacts of pornography.

Isham stresses the need for parents to advocate for sexual health education in schools, and to be vigilant about the safety of their children while they are online.

After two years of COVID-19, where people have been spending more time online, she says our kids are at greater risk for sexual harm.

Resources on sexual health is offered to parents and schools on Isham’s website, Powerup Education, and upcoming webinars for youth have been set for the 2022-2023 school year. One webinar includes a seven-part teen series for youth 12 to 17.

Top image credit: Sexual health education for kids is needed more than ever, according to educator Kerri Isham. Photo courtesy of the Province of British Columbia.