Map of the condos and private dwellings along a road beside the ocean. Hillside PLace and Beechwood Manor area identified, as well as the approximate slide area

Mudslide behind Campbell River condos

There was a mudslide behind Hillside Place, at 738 South Island Highway in Campbell River at approximately 7:45 last night. 

A City of Campbell River press release stated the residents of Hillside Place and the adjoining condominium apartment building, Beechwood Manor, have been evacuated.  

Related article : January 18 Press Conference for Campbell River Mudslide

“No injuries have been reported at this time and the surrounding area is secure. The City fire department and Campbell River RCMP responded to the incident. The City will continue to monitor the site overnight.” 

According to the the Campbell River Mirror, the condos sit at the foot of a ridge and there have been previous slides. 

Scott Kratzmann, of the Campbell River Fire Department, told the news outlet, “A pair of parkades came down in the back. It is a mess. Residents have been evacuated for the evening and an engine will remain on the scene for about another hour.”

A temporary reception centre was set up in the Campbell River Baptist Church, 260 S Dogwood Street.

Acting City Manager Drew Hadfield explained, “City crews have assessed and continue to monitor the landslide.  I’d like to reassure residents that the situation is stable and thank the public for their patience as we respond to this incident.”

The City will issue an update this morning.

The public is being asked to avoid both buildings, do not call 911 for information or updates and follow the directions of local authorities. 

Top image credit: Screenshot of slide area adapted from Google maps by Roy L Hales

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