Monthly Stats for December 2022

3,858 people made 8,907 pageviews; 597 Returning Viewers; average Campbell River session – 7m 38s; Podcasts – 1460 plays

The top 3 articles for the month, in terms of views, were:

  1. (270 Views)PRV1a in fish farms, an interview with Dr Gideon Mordecai – (1:57)
  2. (215 Views) – Little room left for Liveaboards on Cortes Island docks – (2:11)
  3. (195 Views) The Klahoose Wilderness Resort’s first full season (3:02)
Continue reading Monthly Stats for December 2022

Monthly Stats for October 2022

3,953 viewers made 9,959 pageviews (PV); 672 returning visitors

Google Analytics G4A did not carry over any records prior to Sunday Oct 23, 2022. The earlier records I now possess were what I wrote down.

The top 3 posts from Oct 23 to 31 were:

Continue reading Monthly Stats for October 2022

Older Stats

The ECOreport was launched, as an international news website, in December 2013. The website was given a more local focus and registered the domain name ‘Cortes Currents’ on February 27, 2019.

Cortes Currents website

Cortes Currents initially used a variety of tracking devices until settling on Google Analytics in Feb 28, 2019.

Google Analytics does not identify of Cortes or Quadra Islands. organizes local data into cities and a number of ‘not set’ areas. The ‘not set’ areas were searchable under the now defunct Google Analytics Universal program and at one point I counted over 120. Prior to 2024, I thought CKTZ’s rural listening area corresponded to the most appears to fall within the largest ‘not set’ area, which I am calling Rural Area #1. When you factor in the average listening time and engagement, Campbell River’s profile closely matches that of traffic coming in from ‘3rd part websites’ (which is mostly the Tideline).

Continue reading Older Stats

As Broadcast over CKTZ, Whats Current on Cortes and Beyond