The ECOreport was launched, as an international news website, in December 2013. The website was given a more local focus and registered the domain name ‘Cortes Currents’ on February 27, 2019.
Cortes Currents website
Cortes Currents initially used a variety of tracking devices until settling on Google Analytics in Feb 28, 2019.
Google Analytics does not identify of Cortes or Quadra Islands. organizes local data into cities and a number of ‘not set’ areas. The ‘not set’ areas were searchable under the now defunct Google Analytics Universal program and at one point I counted over 120. Prior to 2024, I thought CKTZ’s rural listening area corresponded to the most appears to fall within the largest ‘not set’ area, which I am calling Rural Area #1. When you factor in the average listening time and engagement, Campbell River’s profile closely matches that of traffic coming in from ‘3rd part websites’ (which is mostly the Tideline).