4,267 people viewed 10,990 posts; 141 daily & 909 weekly users; average Campbell River session 8m 9s; Podcasts – 8,838 plays
Viewers accessed 1,962 posts and index pages on Cortes Currents; The aggregate count for What’s been happening with the renovations at Gorge Harbour (Aug 31) reached 693 views.
The top three posts of the month, in terms of views, were:
- (653 Views) What’s been happening with the renovations at Gorge Harbour(3:26)
- ( 532 Views) QXMC: The Squirrel Cove Project (2:36)
- (390 Views) QXMC: Search for a new General Manager (2:15)
This week’s posts:
Continue reading Monthly Stats For Sept 2023 →
4,582 people accessed 10,038 posts; 262 daily & 1,099 weekly users; av Campbell River session 5m 17s; Podcasts – 961 plays
Visitors accessed 2,040 posts and index pages; The aggregate count for Better than ever: Lovefest 2023 (this month 1m 10s) reached 820.
Top 3 posts of the month, in term of views
- (608 Views) – Better than ever: Lovefest 2023 – (from June 26) (1:10)
- (213 Views) Beginnings of the Co-op at Refuge Cove (4:52)
- (188 Views) Wildfire Update for our area: Day 4 of the State of Emergency (1:12)
Continue reading Monthly Stats for August 2023 →
In July: 4,121 people viewed 8,285 pages; 626 returning visitors; average session was 2:10; Podcasts: 1,754 plays
Visitors accessed 1,734 posts and index pages on Cortes Currents. The aggregate total for Changes coming to the BC Ferries for Quadra and Cortes Islands reached (this month averaging 3m 5s) reached 478; the count fot the podcast We’ve been drinking a lot more alcohol during COVID, study finds reached 2,415 plays (mostly in Islamic countries).
The top 3 posts in terms of views this month were:
- (229 Views) Cortes Day then and Now (3:23)
- (174 Views) Possible Dog Control Bylaws for Cortes (And Quadra) Islands (1:56)
- (161 Views) This year’s blueberry harvest on Cortes Island (4:46)
Continue reading Monthly Stats for July 2023 →
4,138 people viewed a total of 8,297 pages; 683 returning visitors; average session 1:54; Podcasts – 1,763 plays
1,940 posts and index pages were accessed this month. The aggregate count for Changes coming to the BC Ferries for Quadra and Cortes Islands (this month averaging 1m 10s per session) reached 449 views.
The top 3 posts this month, in terms of volume, were:
- (281 Views) TELUS started construction on Cortes Island (1:33)
- (186 Views) Antique Car Club: Lunch stop at the Cortes Island Museum (2:12)
- (158 Views) No Sani-dump on Cortes this summer (2:09)
Continue reading Monthly Stats for June 2023 →
4,107 people viewed 8,657 pages in May; 647 Returning Visitors; average Campbell River session 4m 41s; Podcasts – 1683 plays
Viewers accessed 1,879 posts and index pages. The aggregate count for What can Cortes Island do with its abandoned boats? (this month averaging 1m 29s per session) reached 435 views
The top 3 posts, in terms of views, were:
- (230 Views) Seafest returning to Squirrel Cove Saturday May 20 (1:17)
- (141 Views) Cortes Fire Department meeting with the SRD (1:13)
- (134 Views) Kate Maddigan, CCEDA’s new Economic Development Officer (2:21)
Continue reading Monthly Stats for May 2023 →
As Broadcast over CKTZ, Whats Current on Cortes and Beyond