Tag Archives: Australia

Introducing Anna Kindy, MLA For North Island 

It has been three weeks since Anna Kindy was sworn in as the Conservative Party MLA for North Island riding.

We actually had a long phone conversation shortly after her election, but this has been a very busy time for Ms Kindy and so we agreed to do the interview on December 3, yesterday. 

As I didn’t get an opportunity to interview her during the election, it’s probably best to start at the beginning. 

“As an MLA,  I represent everyone in this constituency. It doesn’t matter if you voted for me or not, I represent you and I’ll do it to the best of my capacity.  I have to look at what the issues are in my riding and how to address them,” she said.  

Continue reading Introducing Anna Kindy, MLA For North Island 

On Climate Change, Peak Oil, Overshoot, and the Importance of Relationships: An Interview with Jon Cooksey

Last week, I sat down on zoom with television showrunner and independent film maker Jon Cooksey to talk about his 2010 film, “How to Boil a Frog”. The film, which also features Rex Weyler, is being screened at Manson’s Hall on Tuesday, July 9, at 7PM. Jon and Rex will be there to participate in discussion after the film.

In the interview, we talked about the events that led to his interest in climate change and ecological overshoot, his long friendship with Rex, and how his thoughts about impacting the future have evolved since making this film.

Continue reading On Climate Change, Peak Oil, Overshoot, and the Importance of Relationships: An Interview with Jon Cooksey

Delores Broten: The problem with Facebook

Google and Facebook took in $9.7 billion in advertising revenue during 2020, while the revenues of more traditional news outlets – who produce much of the actual news being posted on Facebook and Instagram – are failing. In response to Bill C-18, which requires them to pay Canadian media outlets a fraction of their advertisement revenues, the dynamic duo will no longer let Canadian news outlets post. 

This was brought home to Cortes Currents on Wednesday, August 2, when Facebook served notice that as a news outlet, Cortes Currents Facebook posts will no longer be viewable inside Canada. 

As only about 10% of my web traffic actually comes through Facebook, my reactions were mixed, but the strongest was curiosity. 

So I reached out to some local media outlets to find out:

  1. What is their opinion of the situation?
  2. How does being cut off from Facebook affect their publication? 

The first to respond was a well known former Cortes resident, Delores Broten of the Watershed Sentinel.  

Continue reading Delores Broten: The problem with Facebook

The last 33 caribou: fighting for the survival of a Wet’suwet’en herd

By Matt Simmons, The Narwhal, Local Journalism Initiative reporter

There’s a serene pocket of mountainous habitat in northwest B.C. where 33 caribou live, drinking from glacial-fed creeks and grazing on alpine lichens. Though it’s peaceful, they have nowhere to go. They’re surrounded.

They’ve been cut off from where they gave birth to their young and the tracts of land that supported them through the long northern winters by highways, hydroelectric dams, rail lines, clearcuts and farmland. The herd’s range has been fragmented for more than a century and faces imminent threats.

Continue reading The last 33 caribou: fighting for the survival of a Wet’suwet’en herd

Quadra Project: the Lottery

“The Lottery” is a short story by Shirley Jackson, first published in the June 26th, 1948, edition of The New York Times. It’s a fictionalized account of a chilling ritual carried out on one day each year throughout villages in the “corn belt” of the United States. Everyone in each community gathers in their local square. Beneath the folksy greeting and meeting with friends and neighbours is a brooding seriousness. Some folks have talked about giving up the ritual but, as an old timer says dismissively, “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.” Then, each person draws a folded piece of paper from a black box. The one with the black dot “wins” the lottery, and is summarily stoned to death. Even little Davy, the son of Tessie, this year’s “winner”, is given pebbles to throw at his mother.

Jackson’s story, of course, is about a ritual fertility sacrifice, and it’s shocking because the practice is placed in a modern rather than a primitive context. But when considered as a symbolic story, the different circumstances echo with different meanings.

Continue reading Quadra Project: the Lottery