Tag Archives: BC Investment Management Corporation

Campaign ramps up to pressure one of Canada’s largest pension firms to divest from fossil fuels

By Cloe Logan, National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

People are pushing the investment firm that manages retirement savings for B.C.’s public sector workers to move roughly $2 billion out of fossil fuels by the end of the year.

The British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI) holds a total of $199.6 billion in managed assets and oversees retirement savings for the province’s teachers, nurses, municipal workers and other government workers, according to its site.

Continue reading Campaign ramps up to pressure one of Canada’s largest pension firms to divest from fossil fuels

On Cortes Island, it’s all songs and warm vibes until the logging begins

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Cortes Islanders smiling, singing, and snacking outside the Gorge Harbour clapboard community hall might have been gathered for a spring picnic — if it weren’t for the sizable collection of anti-logging protest signs pitched across the lawn. 

Any collective cheer quickly dissipated and anger bubbled up in the crowd on Tuesday afternoon when Mosaic Forest Management representatives began to outline draft plans for logging operations on the small B.C. island over the next three years

Continue reading On Cortes Island, it’s all songs and warm vibes until the logging begins

Cortes Island Ancient Forest #2: The Carrington Bay Children’s Forest

Originally published on Heartwood, Field Notes

There is very little common ground between Island Timberlands’ methods and how the community would like forestry to be done on Cortes – but as this is private managed forestland, there’s not a whole lot they can legally do about it.

Continue reading Cortes Island Ancient Forest #2: The Carrington Bay Children’s Forest