Tag Archives: Brewer's Blackbird

Cortes Island 2023 Spring Bird Count & an app called ‘Merlin’

Local naturalist George Sirk was sick for the Cortes Island Spring Bird Count earlier this month, so bird watchers had to rely on a new app to help them identify species. This new app, called Merlin, is one of many topics that he and Nancy Kendel, from the Cortes Island Museum, discussed with Cortes Currents. 

The conversation started out with Kendel (NK) giving an overview:

Continue reading Cortes Island 2023 Spring Bird Count & an app called ‘Merlin’

The 2021 Christmas Bird Count on Cortes Island

The final numbers for Cortes Island’s Christmas Bird Count, which took place on January 5th, 2022, are in.  

One of the key organizers, George Sirk, described his personal high point as watching the birds at Christian Gronau and Aileen Douglas’ bird feeder. 

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Cortes Island 2021 Birdathon

Local naturalist George Sirk just completed the Cortes Island 2021 Birdathon. 

Continue reading Cortes Island 2021 Birdathon