Tag Archives: Clean Energy Jobs Canada

Canada in top 10 for Hydropower, but doesn’t rate for other renewables

By Carl Meyer, Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Canada has made the top 10 list of countries for the number of jobs in hydropower, but didn’t rank in three other key renewable energy technologies, according to new international figures.

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Renewables Are Big Business In Canada And Getting Bigger

By Roy L Hales


According Clean Energy Canada’s report Tracking the Energy Revolution, last year there were more Canadians working directly in clean energy jobs – such as efficiency, clean transportation, biofuels, wind and solar energy –  than were directly employed in the oil sands. Roughly $6.5 Billion US was invested in this nation’s clean energy sector. Only  four of the five principal investment firms are either German or Japanese. Renewables are big business in Canada and getting bigger.

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