Tag Archives: Clean Technica

Canada Investigating Alleged Chinese Solar Dumping

Originally Published by Clean Technica 

Another nation launches an anti-dumping investigation into Chinese solar….

By Roy L Hales

Canada is investigating alleged Chinese solar dumping. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responding to a complaint from four Canadian manufacturers.

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How Wind Energy is subsidizing Albertan Ratepayers

And other insights from the Pembina Institute  

Originally published on Clean Technica

By Roy L Hales

Ben Thibault, of the Pembina Institute, says Alberta’s electricity was 65% less expensive when wind is generating over 600 MW,  than when production fell below 300 MW. Wind energy is subsidizing Albertan ratepayers.

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E.ON will Focus on the New Energy World

Originally Published by Clean Technica

By Roy L Hales

If the stock market’s response is any indication, E.ON has the right idea. Shares are selling at a two year high. A little over two weeks ago the price was €12.948; yesterday’s closing sale was €15.055. On November 30, Germany’s largest utility announced that it will split into two parts. A new company will be formed to take over  conventional energy sources, allowing E.ON to focus on the new energy world.

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Negative Impacts of Rooftop solar will Fall on Investors

Originally Published in Clean Technica 

By Roy L Hales

Screen-shot-2014-03-18-at-3.43.47-PM1PV solar has been increasing at a rate of 50% a year for the past decade. This has led many utilities to question the impact that continued expansion will have on their investors and ratepayers. Andrew Satchwell et al studied the effects of PV solar penetration on two hypothetical utilities. In Financial Impacts of Net-Metered PV on Utilities and Ratepayers: A Scoping Study of Two Prototypical U.S. Utilities, they concluded the negative impacts of Net-Metered PV will fall on investors; Ratepayers may only feel modest losses.

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Time to get the Record about Germany’s Emissions Straight

World GHG Emissions are 61% over 1990 levels; Germany’s are 23% below

Originally Published on Clean Technica

By Roy L Hales


Maybe you remember the headlines about 2013. Merkel’s Green shift backfires as German pollution jumps“; “Germany now EU’s worst polluter as CO2 emissions rise.” It was the third year in a row CO2 levels rose. The critics howled that Energiewende was failing, but is that true? It’s time to get the record about Germany’s emissions straight

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