Tag Archives: Cortes Marketer

Cortes Is Different

Originally Published on the Cortes Tideline

By De Clarke

During all the fire and fury over Cortes’ proposed “Hall Tax,” it occurred to me that the problem of increasing difficulty in operating and maintaining our Community Halls can hardly be unique to Cortes. Surely other communities are facing similar challenges; it would be worth finding out how (or whether) they were solving the problem. So I set out to investigate the funding basis of as many coastal community halls as possible, in communities not too different from our own: smallish, rural-ish, remote-ish.

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Petitioner’s Response Displays Frightening Lack Of Logic

By Roy L Hales

I can’t resist the temptation of commenting on one of the silliest explanations for what is probably one of the silliest lawsuits of recent history. One of the plaintiffs appears to have published an explanation for her/his actions in the June 21-28 Cortes Marketer. As this person chose to hide behind the cloak of anonymity, I am going to use a pseudonym for “her” name: “Annie Ominous.” Throughout “her” article, Annie displays a frightening lack of logic.

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You Are Not Anonymous

By Roy L Hales

In a city like Vancouver, someone can post anonymous attacks with some assurance their identity remains secret. Cortes Island is smaller. When I read attack posts, I automatically associate them with specific individuals. Two or three names immediately come to mind when there are references to phone calls or emails to a certain neighbouring Regional Director. They have a tiny group of associates, who may also be involved. Only one name comes to mind when I see those silly little cartoons in the Cortes Marketer. (BTW – I would much rather see those cartoons than find out “they” are trying to use another law or regulation against a neighbour.) I have a message for the perpetrators, you are not anonymous. 

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