Tag Archives: Cortes Transportation

What the Cortes/Quadra Passenger Transportation Survey Discovered

Originally published August 9, 2024

282 people from Cortes, Quadra and the Outer Island’s as well as some visitors participated in CCEDA’s passenger transportation survey.  They were asked about a variety of options for passengers in the islands, a bus, taxi, carpool, van pool, or rideshare.

“We found that the most popular option for all respondents was a bus on Quadra that included both ferries. Cortes and Outer-Island residents only need a bus that goes from the Cortes Ferry to the Quadra Ferry.  They don’t necessarily need to go anywhere else on Quadra. It’s just  that straight line that so many people take across Quadra. On Quadra, the most popular option was a bus that included both ferries, but also made a loop. It would be helpful for people living on Quadra and visitors to get around Quadra,” explained Jennifer Banks-Doll, Project Lead for Quadra Island.

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MLA Michele Babchuk visits Cortes Island

MLA Michele Babchuk was on Cortes Island for a few days last week. She spoke to Cortes Currents after meeting with some of the island’s non-profits in the Village Commons. This was the third time she’s visited the island since she was elected in 2020. 

“I’m hearing that Cortes actually has a lot of capacity and we’ve known that for a long time. There’s a lot of not for profit groups here. A lot of them are feeling extremely underfunded,” she explained. 

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My airstrip concern: oversized private jet emissions

(Originally published on the Cortes Tideline)

By Barry Saxifrage

Judging by the big turnout at a recent community town hall, a lot of Cortes folks are concerned about the impact of the runway upgrade happening at the Lavender Farm. I’m writing to provide some information about one of those concerns – the extreme levels of climate pollution that this kind of airstrip enables. If you are concerned about the metastasizing climate crisis you might find this information of interest.

Continue reading My airstrip concern: oversized private jet emissions

What SRD Staff Found Out About The Cortes Airstrip

In response to complaints about the renovations underway at the Cortes Island airstrip, the SRD Board asked staff to “engage with Transport Canada to understand the implications on the size of planes, safety requirements, noise levels, and frequency of planes on the upgraded landing strip at 939 Raven Rd, Cortes Island.” They reported back at the board Meeting of Wednesday, June 26, but found very little that was not already known.

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Our deep concerns regarding the airstrip

(Originally published on the Cortes Tideline)

June 20th 2024

Dear Michael and Martine

We are writing to express our deep concerns regarding the improvement of an airstrip on Cortes Island. This development is likely to lead to the increased use of private aircraft, which are significant emitters of CO2 and other pollutants. At a time when global emissions need to be drastically reduced, encouraging luxury emissions like private air travel is detrimental to our planet. Limiting these unnecessary emissions is crucial for supporting the billions of living creatures – human and otherwise – affected by climate change and preventing further environmental degradation.

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