Tag Archives: De Clarke

Electric Is Better – Even On A Remote Island

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on April 14, 2019. At least one more EV has come to Cortes since then, possibly more. BC’s EV infrastructure has grown (The Plugshare map shows 18 EV charging stations in Campbell River, 2 on Quadra and 1 on Cortes Island) and the latest EVs have an average range of 468 km per charge.

British Columbia’s EV tipping point may be closer than you think. When you factor in the cost of gasoline, the average electric vehicle is already substantially less expensive that a gas car. Level three charging stations, capable of delivering an 80% charge in 30 minutes, are creeping up the east coast of Vancouver Island, BC. There are now seven stations along the coastal route between Sidney and Campbell River and sixteen in the Greater Victoria area. (In addition, there is a Tesla Fast charging station in Nanaimo and another planned for Campbell River.) Now even people in remote locations like Cortes Island are going electric. On Saturday, April 12, 2019, three of the island’s six (and counting) E-car owners explained why electric is better — even on a remote island. 

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Another Awesome Christmas Dinner Take-out on Cortes Island

Team Awesome served more than 200 people at this year’s free Christmas Dinner Take-out on Cortes Island. That’s 50% less than last year. Given  the sub zero temperatures and slippery snow covered roads, the organizers were surprised that so many showed up. 

In the thank-you, which Noah Davison and Izabelle Perry posted in the Tideline, it says “We were so touched by all the neighbours and friends that helped each other pick up and deliver meals. It was such a heartwarming and joyful sight to see!”

The Christmas day take-out was primarily financed by Whaletown Community Club, through a BC Community Gaming Grant, but the special touches are only possible because of donations of time, food and money from members of the community. 

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Rezoning meeting for Treedom on Cortes Island

The rezoning meeting for an additional three homes on the Treedom Ventures property, at 1062 Seascape Road, in Mansons Landing Landing, was held Thursday. This would bring the total number of home sites on this 82 acre property to 8, with an additional cabin. Between 25 and 30 people attended the in-person component of the meeting and an unknown number attended through the internet or by phone.

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Airlines spread COVID 19

In a recent article, De Clarke made a connection between “the rapid spread of a novel coronavirus and the historically unprecedented air-travel culture.” While there may be exceptions, this appears to agree with the first reports of the virus outside China: Airlines spread COVID 19.

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Cortes Ferry Passengers Speak To MLA Trevena

On Friday February 28th at 2:30pm, over 40 Cortes residents gathered at Whaletown Community Hall for a meeting with Minister of Transportation Claire Trevena, to discuss the future of BC Ferries. Ms Trevena had travelled to Cortes Island to gather public input as part of Phase 2 of the Ministry’s “public engagement” project which began last Fall. (Article includes this link to an online survey for ferry users.)

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