Tag Archives: Fox Creek Quake

Those Fracking Quakes Keep Getting Bigger

By Roy L Hales

Prior to 2013, there was one measurable quake a year at Fox Creek, Alberta. Then Chevron, Shell, Exxon and other major players started fracking in the surrounding hills. There has been 160 “small” quakes since then. After the first 4.4 quake this year, the Alberta Energy Regulator laid out a “traffic light system” whereby they are to be informed of any 2.0 quakes and when quakes are 4.0 or stronger companies are to cease operations. Fox Creek experienced another 4.4, which was felt 130 miles to the east in Edmonton, on June 13. Those Fracking quakes keep getting bigger.

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Does Ernst & Young’s LNG Report Vindicate BC?

By Roy L Hales


There are credible experts who believe that, with proper regulation and enforcement, it is possible to have a trustworthy fracking industry. They also say this does not yet exist in North America. Personally, I think the industry is out of control and BC’s government is desperate to get in bed with it. Last week the government released a report from Ernst & Young (EY) which the Minister of Natural Gas Development says “British Columbians can have confidence they are benefiting from a clean, well regulated natural gas industry.” Does Ernst & Young’s LNG report vindicate BC?

Continue reading Does Ernst & Young’s LNG Report Vindicate BC?