Tag Archives: Granite Bay

Director’s Report: gratitude, grants-in-aid, & wharves

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

Festive greetings! I’m sending you wishes for warmth and joy during this season of long dark nights, and I hope you enjoy some quality time with those who are dear to you.
Gratitude to volunteers
It’s wonderful what an engaged and involved community ours is. Shoutout of gratitude to the many many islanders volunteering across the islands, building community. During 2024 I’ve had a chance to work with a spectrum of volunteers and I’m so grateful for everyone’s dedication.

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Preparations for Quadra Island’s First Vital Signs Report

In previous years, bits of Quadra and Cortes Island data have been incorporated in Campbell River’s Vital Signs Reports. This is the first year that both islands are collecting their own data. Cortes has already published its 2024 Vital Signs Report. The Quadra Island Foundation is about to start accumulating the baseline data that will enable it to produce a report for Quadra and the rest of Area C.

Jody Rodgers, Chair of the Quadra Island Foundation:  “Vital Signs  empowers organizations for tailoring their initiatives so they can work on things to improve, and also not spin their wheels on things that are already good.  It also really gives them the hard data to apply for grants more effectively.” 

“I think that it allows us to gain perspective on the differences in spending needs of organizations.   Vital Signs  is a vehicle for organizations to measure their effectiveness or lack thereof, according to certain benchmarks.” 

Continue reading Preparations for Quadra Island’s First Vital Signs Report

The Expanding Local Market For Solar Power

A Cortes Island based solar company has been installing more systems that tie into the grid. 

There is a lot of potential for solar energy production in British Columbia. It has been largely untouched because of the province’s reliance on hydro-power and natural gas. As of October 2023, BC Hydro had 8,500 net metering customers with a combined solar capacity of 71 MW. This was only a fraction of the 4,609.5 MW of solar capacity tied to Canada’s grid that year. 

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Robyn Mawhinney: A Wharf Service for Area C

More than eight years have passed since Transport Canada (TC) transferred administration of three wharves to the Strathcona Regional District (SRD). Owen Bay on Sonora Island, Surge Narrows on Read Island, and Port Neville on the northern shore of the Johnstone Strait are all within Area C. The SRD was provided with $2.9 million for maintenance and upgrades that were to be completed sometime during the next decade. These upgrades have not yet occurred. Nor has a service to carry out operations and maintenance been established for Area C. Robyn Mawhinney, the new Regional Director, hopes to have this work well underway before the November 2024 deadline. 

Continue reading Robyn Mawhinney: A Wharf Service for Area C

Mawhinney: Centering decisions on Island Values

“One of the core messages and core reasons that I am running for Regional Director is because I want decisions to be centered on island values. To me, island values are respect for First Nations, long term sustainability, also the rural nature that we all love. That’s why we live here. Quadra Island has a rich history of volunteerism. The role of the director is really to be an advocate for the majority of the community at the Strathcona Regional District (SRD),” said Robyn Mawhinney who hopes to be elected Regional Director of Area C (Discovery Islands and Mainland Inlets) on October 15th, 2022.

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