The award-winning documentary “Fractured Land” follows the life of First Nations warrior and lawyer, Caleb Behn as he explores the impacts hydraulic fracturing is having on his community. It will soon be aired on the Knowledge Network. I had an opportunity to ask Campbell River filmmaker Damien Gillis, What’s behind the documentary Fractured Land?
Continue reading Behind The Documentary Fractured LandTag Archives: Horn River
BC’s 4.6m Fracking Quake
By Roy L Hales
The recent earthquake near Wonowon is the largest of over 500 seismic events, in northeastern BC, believed to be caused by hydraulic fracturing. It may be remembered as BC’s 4.6m fracking quake.
Does Ernst & Young’s LNG Report Vindicate BC?
By Roy L Hales
There are credible experts who believe that, with proper regulation and enforcement, it is possible to have a trustworthy fracking industry. They also say this does not yet exist in North America. Personally, I think the industry is out of control and BC’s government is desperate to get in bed with it. Last week the government released a report from Ernst & Young (EY) which the Minister of Natural Gas Development says “British Columbians can have confidence they are benefiting from a clean, well regulated natural gas industry.” Does Ernst & Young’s LNG report vindicate BC?
Continue reading Does Ernst & Young’s LNG Report Vindicate BC?