The Cortes Housing Society’s Virtual Forum will be returning to the airwaves at 10 AM on Saturday, April 20, with a program on ‘Water Quality and Quantity.’ Host Sadhu Johnstone will be joined by three expert panelists: Darren Bond from Hornby Water Stewardship, Nick Sargent from the Quadra Island Climate Action Network (Quadra ICAN) and David Bethune of Groundwater Solutions. There will also be breakout sessions to discuss how these issues apply to Cortes Island.
Continue reading Upcoming Virtual Forum on Water Quality and QuantityTag Archives: Hornby Aquifer
Housing Society To Offer Event Series
From March through July of this year, Cortes Housing Society — in partnership with FolkU — is presenting a series of monthly forums featuring guest speakers and community discussion. These forums will address the vexed issue of housing — both price and availability — which remains a serious problem for the island.
The invited speakers have expertise in various aspects of this problem, and some will be sharing results from successful projects in other communities. Cortes Currents interviewed Sadhu Aufochs Johnston, executive director of the Housing Society, to find out more about this event series.
Continue reading Housing Society To Offer Event SeriesMapping Wetlands on Quadra, and what that means on Cortes
The ICAN water security team and We Wai Kai Guardians are getting prepared to map Quadra Island’s wetlands. It is part of a much larger project which also involves monitoring the island’s rainfall, streamflow and wells. As you will hear in the interview that follows, this project is also relevant to surrounding islands like Cortes. Bernie Amell, a recognized authority in the design of constructed wetlands for water treatment, and in the restoration of streams and riparian habitats, is in charge of mapping the wetlands.
Continue reading Mapping Wetlands on Quadra, and what that means on CortesCortes Island aquifers: Rainwater, wells, salinization and climate change
CKTZ News, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
As the level 4 ‘drought’ continues and some shallow well owners are concerned about their water supply, CKTZ News asked an expert about Cortes Island aquifers.
Dr Diana Allen is the head of the Groundwater Resources Research Group at Simon Fraser University. While she has not been to Cortes, Allen has been working on islands like Hornby, Mayne, Saturna and Salt Spring since 1996.
Continue reading Cortes Island aquifers: Rainwater, wells, salinization and climate change