Tag Archives: ICAN

Grants-in-Aid for Quadra ICAN and Surge Narrows Community Association Approved

Some of the SRD’s Campbell River Directors don’t believe not-for-profits should receive Grants-in-Aid for core operating expenses.   

At the Wednesday Nov 27 Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Board meeting, Director Susan Sinnot declared, “If not-for-profits are unable to get local support for their initiatives, then it’s not good practice that we be funding ongoing operating costs as a government body with forced taxpayer dollars. So I’m going to vote against this just because of the content of the request.”

The matter came up because Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney brought   forward two applications for assistance with 2025 insurance costs:

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March 9 ICAN Water Security Team Update

On Saturday, March 9, a collaboration between the We Wai Kai Nation and the Water Security Team of Quadra Island Climate Action Network (Quadra ICAN) presented an update of their work over the past year. The presentation was entitled “Water Systems of Quadra Island: Preparing For our Future”. 

Their work is currently embodied in three major projects:

  • Well monitoring and aquifer mapping
  • Stream flow monitoring in salmon bearing streams
  • Wetland and watershed mapping
Continue reading March 9 ICAN Water Security Team Update

Quadra Island Organizations Explore Possibilities For Working Together

Representatives from at least 56 Quadra Island organizations came together at the Quadra Community Centre on Saturday, February 24. Close to 30 more were invited. Jennifer Banks-Doll, who facilitated the meeting, estimates there were about 80 attendees. They were asked two questions: 

  1. “What are some ways Quadra groups and organizations could work together to combine our strengths and address our challenges?”
  2. And “What would help create or build stronger community connections?” 
Continue reading Quadra Island Organizations Explore Possibilities For Working Together