Tag Archives: Jim Pelley

Problems With Siemens 2.3-108 Wind Turbine Blades At Ocotillo?

By Roy L Hales


A number of questions have risen since a 173 foot-long-blade flew off turbine 156 at the Ocotillo Wind Farm. Ocotillo resident Parke Ewing emailed me that, “The blade was blown off last night during low wind speeds of around 18 mph. This project is not safe for residents, visitors, hikers, off roaders or anyone traveling on the Interstate 8 freeway or Imperial highway…. How can we live here with problems like this?”

Continue reading Problems With Siemens 2.3-108 Wind Turbine Blades At Ocotillo?

Despite lack of wind, Phase two of construction begins at Ocotillo

By Roy L Hales


In his March 5 video log, Jim Pelley recorded the arrival some of of the last 18 wind turbines at Ocotillo. Phase one of the project has now been online four months, during which he has recorded very little wind.

Continue reading Despite lack of wind, Phase two of construction begins at Ocotillo