Tag Archives: Killer Whales

The Documentary ‘Salmon Secrets’ Comes to Cortes Island

French filmmaker Jérémy Mathieu’s award winning documentary ‘Salmon Secrets,’ will be coming to Gorge Hall at 1 PM on Sunday, January 12.    

This 40 minute film was produced by Clayoquot Action, whose co-founders Bonny Glambeck and Dan Lewis will be speaking at the screening. 

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Scuba diver fined $12K for getting too close to killer whales

By Kaitlyn Bailey,  Prince Rupert Northern View, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A provincial court judge has fined a scuba diver $12,000 for getting too close to a pod of killer whales near the Prince Rupert Harbour – the largest fine to be ordered for this type of offence.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada said Aug. 22 that Thomas Gould, a scuba diver and owner of a commercial dive vessel, knowingly entered the water too close to a pod of seven northern resident killer whales near Prince Rupert Harbour on Apr. 25, 2020.

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Southern resident killer whales are not starving due to lack of BC chinook, study finds

The widespread belief that at-risk southern resident killer whales are starving due to a lack of chinook salmon has been debunked. 

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A type of Orca: the big game hunter of the sea

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

There’s a type of killer whale that prowls deeper waters and specializes in hunting big game, research by a B.C. scientist suggests.

West Coast residents are familiar with the well-known and iconic chinook salmon-eating endangered southern resident killer whales in the Salish Sea, and the more numerous Bigg’s killer whales, or transient orcas, that ply the shallower waters of B.C.’s coast and inlets in search of seals and other sea mammals.

But evidence indicates there’s a newly identified type of orca — outer coast killer whales — that are a distinct subgroup of transient whales, and which frequent the ocean depths along the continental shelf off the coast of central California and Oregon, said lead author Josh McInnes, a scientist with the Marine Mammal Research Unit at the University of British Columbia.

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Coast Guard ramps up protection for whales

By Quinn Bender, Prince Rupert Northern View, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Canadian Coast Guard has established a first-of-its-kind division to elevate safeguards against human-caused deaths and injuries to whales in B.C. waters. 

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