Tag Archives: Louis Belcourt article

Cortes Pickleball Society establishes committee to get new courts built, hires architect

By Louis Belcourt, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

The Cortes Island Pickleball Society has recently established a Pickleball committee with the South Cortes Community Association to oversee the potential construction of Pickleball courts next to the skatepark.

Mary Jo Woolgar, long time resident to Cortes, introduced Cortes to Pickleball with her husband about two years ago and she says its often described as “a lifestyle.”

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Cortes Community Forest receives funding, moves to complete Wildfire Protection Plan

By Louis Belcourt, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

The Cortes Community Forest Cooperative has obtained funding to implement two wildfire risk reduction projects in the community forest, a project that’s been in the works for years.

Continue reading Cortes Community Forest receives funding, moves to complete Wildfire Protection Plan

Cortes sailing school offers access, training to underrepresented individuals in an ‘elitist sport’

By Louis Belcourt, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

A local sailing company “Calma Sailing” is offering a free sailing course aimed at providing Indigenous and lower-income people an opportunity to learn the sport.

“I think sailing is a bit of an elitist sport,” said Dominik Domanski, co-owner of Calma Sailing. “It seems so inaccessible.”

Continue reading Cortes sailing school offers access, training to underrepresented individuals in an ‘elitist sport’

Whale Blitz teaches locals how to report entangled humpbacks in the area

By Louis Belcourt, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

= Cortes Island was included in the third annual Oceanwise Conservation Association’s 2024 Whale Blitz, which included events all over the Vancouver coast, educating people on whale information and how to spot whales and report on their sightings.

A booth hosted by the coordinator of the Oceanwise Conservation Association provided information on whales in our area and encouraged people to report their whale sightings to the Whale Report App.

Continue reading Whale Blitz teaches locals how to report entangled humpbacks in the area

Vancouver artist Sam Tudor adds first time Cortes show to new EP tour

By Louis Belcourt, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

Sam Tudor, a recording artist based in Vancouver, is currently touring across BC to showcase their newly released EP and recently have included a show on Cortes Island as part of the tour.

Tudor, a self-taught musician and recording artist, has been recording and releasing music since 2014.

Continue reading Vancouver artist Sam Tudor adds first time Cortes show to new EP tour