Tag Archives: Myrna Kerr

Demonstration at access point to Cortes Airstrip

Earlier this year,  the Cortes Island community learned that there were renovations underway at the island’s old gravel airstrip. At a town hall meeting last June, around 125 residents turned out to express their concerns. Very little transpired until yesterday, Monday, August 12, when an asphalt truck was spotted in the BC Ferries webcam feed from Heriot Bay. It did not take long to confirm that the truck was coming to help lay a layer of chipseal on the runway. During the next hour, around 20 people gathered at the corner of Raven and Suitil Point Roads to block access to the airstrip. From the beginning it was clear this demonstration was a brief expression of displeasure and, after a delay, the truck would be allowed to proceed to the airstrip. The truck was delayed for about half an hour. Ben Adjami, who Martine Rothblatt employs as the project’s lead contract, came out to politely listen to the protester’s concerns. He then clarified some details about the project.

Chris Dragseth explained, “We’ve tried, as a small group of people, to engage in a respectful way. Unfortunately, to date, that has been totally unsuccessful. We’re wanting to go on record stating the community is not happy. The contractors are stuck in the middle. Our intent is to allow this truck to go through, but we want to demonstrate that there is some concern at all levels within the community.”

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Wrecked Boat on the Rocks Below My Property

Text by Myrna Kerr; Photos by Mike Manson

A boat did a PanPan (“Possible Assistance Needed”) call at 4 AM on January 26, but the contact was not clear. So the Air Sea Rescue Helicopter went out looking for it.  The Sailboat was on the rocks below my house and, of course, out of sight even if it had lights on.

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Help the restart of Mansons Hall by filling out a survey

It has been more than a week since the Southern Cortes Community Association, or SCCA, put out a survey to find out what kinds of spaces, opportunities and events the community wants to see in Mansons Hall. 

In today’s interview Cora Moret, secretary of the SCCA, describes what sounds like the society’s rebirth after a two-year-long COVID hibernation.

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SRD released funding for Cortes Island’s community halls

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) released the funding for Cortes Island’s community halls. Though they were to have received this money in quarterly instalments, it has been close to a year since the SRD passed the Bylaw “to establish a community hall service within and for the benefit of Electoral Area B (Cortes Island).” The minutes of that meeting refer to the need for “a further report outlining next steps for implementing the community hall service.”  Former Chair Michele Babchuk and the SRD’s Corporate Officer did not receive authorization to ‘execute the contracts’ until last August. A spokesperson from the Whaletown Community Club (WCC), which operates Gorge Hall, said the funds needed for a year of operations have now been deposited directly into their bank account. Manson’s Hall Manager, Mary Lavelle, confirmed that a similar deposit was made into the Southern Cortes Community Association’s (SCCA) account on Friday, October 30th, 2020.

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Gorge and Mansons Halls still haven’t received any funding

A little over a year ago, a year since Cortes Island approved the idea of funding our two community halls through our property taxes. Early last December, Strathcona Regional District (SRD) staff received the go-ahead to start negotiations with the Whaletown Community Club (WCC) and the Southern Cortes Community Association (SCCA), which manage Gorge and Mansons Halls. The WCC and SCCA still haven’t received any funding, or been told what is holding things up.

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