Tag Archives: OCP

Area C Director’s Report: Quadra OCP kickoff & Regional Recreation

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

It’s my sincere hope you’ve managed to stay warm and dry during the recent storms. The weather ‘bomb cyclone’ was certainly impactful! Along with the local power outages and ferry cancellations, the power went out at the Board office and roads to some of the smaller municipalities were closed, resulting in our regularly scheduled Board meeting of Wednesday November 20 being cancelled (and rescheduled for November 27).

Continue reading Area C Director’s Report: Quadra OCP kickoff & Regional Recreation

Area C Director’s Report: Active Transportation planning needs YOU (+ OCP review begins)

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

Hello, Happy Thanksgiving! As chanterelles flourish and apples abound, I’m grateful for the rain and our great community. This report invites you to engage on Active Transportation planning, and shares info on Area C’s Official Community Plan review.

Continue reading Area C Director’s Report: Active Transportation planning needs YOU (+ OCP review begins)

Sept 12 Zoning Bylaw Review Meeting in Mansons Hall

Close to 60 Cortes Island residents turned out for the Zoning Bylaw Review Meeting in Manson’s Hall on Thursday, September 12th. The following article consists of audio clips of the main speakers, taken at the meeting, and an interview with Regional Director Mark Vonesch the following morning.   

Mark Vonesch: “Leading up to it, I think there was a little bit of tension in the air. ‘What’s going to happen?’ ‘How are we going to change our zoning in a way that’s good for Cortes and  protecting what we have here, but also making room for more housing  and addressing the housing challenges that we face?’”  

“I think the key takeaway is this is a process that we’re still in the middle of. There’s still lots of opportunity for input. We’ve had four meetings leading up to this. Last night’s meeting was about presenting the summary of the findings from the previous meetings, and giving us a sense of what the Zoning Bylaw draft is going to look like.”

Continue reading Sept 12 Zoning Bylaw Review Meeting in Mansons Hall

Op-ed: Reflections on the Cortes Bylaw update meeting

The SRD planning meeting in Mansons Hall did not go as planned. I don’t think the group was opposed to further densification, as much as people just wanted to talk. I think we need to hear insight from some of our respected community thought leaders before placing stickies on a map to indicate where we think development should happen.

Continue reading Op-ed: Reflections on the Cortes Bylaw update meeting

Community Meeting for Cortes Zoning Bylaw Update

Around 60 people turned out for the Strathcona Regional District’s (SRD) zoning bylaw meeting in Mansons Hall at 1 PM on Wednesday, March 6. 

The meeting went very differently from how the SRD planned it. There was to have been a short presentation, after which participants were to have gathered around two maps and put sticky dots on the properties where the bylaws should be changed to allow for greater densification. Instead, this was a community conversation.

Continue reading Community Meeting for Cortes Zoning Bylaw Update