Tag Archives: Portland EV’s

Vancouver Challenging Portland As North America’s #1 Biking City

By Roy L Hales


Portland has long been been North America’s #1 bike-friendly city. According to the Portland Bureau of Transportation, 7.2% of “commuters go by bike.” That figure is taken from the 2014 census, which also shows the closest U.S. competitors as Minneapolis (4.6%), San Francisco (4.4%) and Seattle (3.7%). Now a new report shows Vancouver challenging Portland as North America’s #1 biking city.

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EV’s are Just Better Vehicles, in Almost Every Way

By Roy L Hales

Brad Gibson was so disturbed by the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” that he decided to never buy another gas burning car for  commuting. He and his wife Mariko would share their 2005 Subaru Outback XT until they found an alternative. As they were both working, that meant Gibson could only use it part of the week. He pedaled the 40 miles to and from work twice a week, which was not always pleasant in rainy Washington State, and caught buses. At one point, his father offered to give them a second car, Gibson said no. Though not in the top 1% of America’s wage earners, he was in the top 10%. If people like him were not prepared to make changes, how could they expect anyone else to?

Continue reading EV’s are Just Better Vehicles, in Almost Every Way