Tag Archives: Quadra Island Conservancy

Debate On proposed SRD Grant In Aid Policy  continues

The Strathcona Regional District is considering a Grant in Aid policy which would funnel all applications through staff. According to Gerald Whalley, who has been a Regional Director since the SRD was formed in 2008, this is the third time the idea of a policy has come up. After an intense debate, the proposal has been forwarded to the Electoral Areas Services Committee and Municipal Services Committee for further discussion. 

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Tales from Land Conservancies on Cortes, Quadra & 15 Other Islands

In 2021 Sheila Harrington embarked upon a three-year journey to explore the creation of local nature conservancies on 17 islands. Cortes and Quadra Islands were among them. She conducted more than 50 interviews, and wove together a chronicle of land conservancies and the people behind them since the 1990s. The resulting book, ‘Voices for the Islands, 30 Years Of Nature Conservation On The Salish Sea’ is just being released by Heritage House.

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Quadra Island Foundation makes its first $10,000 investment for the future

The Quadra Island Foundation made its first investment last month, as a foundation for a permanent endowment fund. $10,000 was invested through the Vancouver Foundation.

“That was raised  from individuals within our community. We now have closer to $15,000 and so we’ve kept $5,000 in our bank account and we’ve just initiated the endowment fund. We feel very, very fortunate that we’re in this position and we can speak to people like you and to the community at large and just say, ‘okay, we’ve started the seed money,’” said foundation Chair Michael Mascall.

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The Quadra Island Foundation’s First Year

Chair Michael Mascall gave Cortes Currents an overview of how the Quadra Island Foundation came into being, and what it achieved during the year since it applied for charitable status.

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Octopus Islands Marine Park is 20 hectares larger

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The emerald shores and unspoiled bays of the Octopus Islands Marine Park are a longtime haven and popular destination for boaters and kayakers exploring the beauty of B.C.’s Inside Passage.

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