Tag Archives: RCMP exclusion zones

RCMP handling of Argenta arrests draws joint policy complaint

Editor’s note: There have been many complaints about the RCMP Community-Industry Response Group, particularly in regard to police brutality, racism, their use of exclusion zones and attempting to muzzle the press. According to the account in the Narwhal, a 75 year-old Argenta resident delivering eggs to the protesters was arrested as she attempted to leave. The camp’s legal observer was also among the 17 people arrested. 20 of the 35 protesters were residents of Argenta and Johnson’s Landing, a handful were veterans of the Fairy Creek protests.

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A joint policy complaint has been filed by seven groups against the RCMP for the handling of the arrests made at the May 17 logging protest near Argenta.

The B.C. Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) and six other groups submitted the complaint on July 21 against the RMCP’s Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) for alleged “egregious behaviour and unlawful arrests” made at a protest area at Argenta-Johnson’s Landing.

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Teal Jones wins court appeal to extend injunction against Fairy Creek old-growth blockade

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Fairy Creek activists have been dealt a blow after a court decision Wednesday upheld a logging company’s bid for an ongoing order to halt contentious old-growth blockades on southern Vancouver Island. 

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Update From Fairy Creek: interview with Kathleen Code

[Kathleen Code is is a spokesperson for the Rainforest Flying Squad and other land defenders attempting to protect old growth areas at Fairy Creek. She founded the legal team, and is also a member of their media team. Since joining the effort in August, 2020, she’s worked closely with elder Bill Jones to understand the situation of the Pacheedaht First Nation, in particular their interactions with industrial forest company Teal Jones and the NDP government. I interviewed Kathy on December 3rd 2021, asking her for an update to round out the “Cortes At Fairy Creek” story. This is a lightly edited transcript of that interview.]

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The RCMP returned to Fairy Creek

The RCMP returned to Fairy Creek last Friday, October 16. A post on the Fairy Creek Blockade Facebook page states 7 cars drove up, and 15 officers wearing blue standard-issue rain gear walked into the Forest Defender Headquarters.

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The Injunction at Fairy Creek has ended 

The injunction to stop protesters from interfering with logging in what is commonly believed to be the last intact old growth ecosystem in Southern Vancouver Island ended at 4 PM on Tuesday, September 28th, 2021. 

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