Tag Archives: Read Island Wildfires

Twofold increase in Extreme Wildfires during past 20 years

So far,  there have only been minor fires on Cortes, Quadra and Read Islands, but the BC government warns that the province will see more large fires in the future. “Longer, hotter summers lead to more droughts and a longer wildfire season. Dry conditions make it easier for lightning storms and strong winds to start fires. These fires can spread, combine and burn for longer.” 

This is not a local phenomenon.  A new study published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution found that there has been more than a two fold increase in the number of wildfires around the globe, during the past two decades. 

There was a 7-fold increase in Alaska, Canada and Russia.

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Mark Lombard: Community Forest 5-Year Plan

The Cortes Community Forestry Co-operative held its annual AGM on May 7th at Mansons Hall. The Co-operative is an equal partner with Klahoose First Nation in the Cortes Forestry General Partnership, locally known as the “Community Forest.” Mark Lombard is the General Manager for the Partnership.

At the Forestry Co-op AGM, Mark reminded attendees that a public meeting would be held soon (May 11 at the Klahoose Multipurpose Hall). At this meeting he would present a review of the Partnership’s activities to date, and their plans for the next few years. This event would mark the launch of a public input period for the “Five Year Plan” for the Community Forest project.

At this point in the planning process, the five year plan is wide open for comment and feedback. And if there’s an area that someone thinks would be a sensible area to operate in — in the next five years — that hasn’t been considered, please bring that forward.

If there are any other features or concerns or ideas… basically what I’m trying to say is, it’s wide open to public feedback, so we’d like to hear from people, and everything’s on the table at this point.

— Mark Lombard

Currents interviewed Mark on May 19th, to offer our readers/listeners an overview of the material he covered in his May 11 presentation. [The audio version of this interview is quite different from the image-heavy text version, so we recommend that interested readers check out both media.]

Continue reading Mark Lombard: Community Forest 5-Year Plan

‘Should I stay or should I go?’ – Three Decisions for Area C

Editor’s note: Cortes Island’s Director was among those whose vote decided the issue in in all three of the following items.

 “So in 1981 the Clash put out their classic single, ‘Should we stay, or should we go?’ and here I am with you, 41 years later asking you the same question. Should we stay with this initiative or should we take no action and leave it alone,” said Shaun Koopman, Protective Services Coordinator for the Strathcona Regional District.

He was telling the Board about the results of a recent survey in the Outer Discovery Islands, but he could have been talking about any of three Area C initiatives discussed at the Jan 11 meeting. 

Continue reading ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ – Three Decisions for Area C

Focusing on wildfire fuel mitigation

The Cortes Forestry General Partnership is currently focusing on wildfire fuel mitigation strategies. 

While none have been large, there were recent fires on West RedondaReadQuadra and Sonora Islands.

“It’s highly possible that we can have a fire here,” said General Manager Mark Lombard.  

Continue reading Focusing on wildfire fuel mitigation

Feasibility study for Outer Discovery Island Fire brigade

How our local government works

Tim Pley and Associates has been hired to conduct a feasibility study for a fire brigade to serve the Outer Discovery Islands. The Surge Narrows Community Association (SNCA) requested the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) investigate the costs and implications of this project last September. A motion to hire Pley and Associates passed without comment at the April 27, 2022 SRD Board meeting.  

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