Tag Archives: Rendezvous Islands

Bulk Water Regulations For The Outer Islands

At their December 11 meeting, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Board passed a bylaw to regulate bulk water processing, bottling and sales on Read, Maurelle, Sonora, Stuart, and the Rendezvous islands.

Three Campbell River Directors voted against receiving the staff report for this bylaw.

Director Susan Sinnott explained,  “I just want to hear from staff, the reasons necessary. Is there a pending application for people to bulk water in the Desolation Sound Area? Is there an imminent issue?” 

Continue reading Bulk Water Regulations For The Outer Islands

Area C Director’s Report: Village Bay Lake phone advocacy & upcoming Public Hearings

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

Hello, This report shares news about pay phone advocacy and two upcoming virtual public hearings concerning the Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw.

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Area C Director’s Report: Active Transportation planning needs YOU (+ OCP review begins)

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

Hello, Happy Thanksgiving! As chanterelles flourish and apples abound, I’m grateful for the rain and our great community. This report invites you to engage on Active Transportation planning, and shares info on Area C’s Official Community Plan review.

Continue reading Area C Director’s Report: Active Transportation planning needs YOU (+ OCP review begins)

An Open Burning Bylaw for Cortes Island

SRD staff is preparinig an open Burning Bylaw for Cortes Island. 

This is in response to Coastal Fire Centre’s decision to allow campfires, on June 20: ‘due to cooler conditions and rainfall, which has reduced the fire danger rating in these areas.’ However appropriate this may have been in other areas under the Centre’s control, it was not on Cortes Island. As Nancy Kendel wrote in the Tideline, “We have had basically NO RAIN since beginning of May, and our forests are tinder dry!”

Continue reading An Open Burning Bylaw for Cortes Island

Update on proposed Outer Discovery Islands Fire Brigade

A fire broke out at Diamond Bay on Sonora Island, on Thursday, August 12, 2021. It began as a structure fire, but spread into the tinder dry forest. The fire travelled rapidly upslope, threatening 30 other homes in the vicinity. Neighbouring residents converged at Diamond Bay and organized an ad hoc fire control effort. BC Wildfire Service arrived to take command. Four helicopters, a fire response boat and 17 provincial firefighters fought alongside ‘the local Owens Bay Fire Brigade‘ and by the morning of Sunday, August 15 the fire was officially ‘under control.’

Continue reading Update on proposed Outer Discovery Islands Fire Brigade