Tag Archives: Rich Hagensen

Sept 28: Day of Action for Old Growth in Campbell River

Three years have passed since the BC government promised to implement the Old Growth Strategic Review, but many feel very little has been done. On September 28 concerned citizens will be protesting in front of constituency offices across the province.

The local protest will be in front of MLA Michele Babchuk’s office at 908 Island Highway, in Campbell River, from 11:30 to 12:30. 

Continue reading Sept 28: Day of Action for Old Growth in Campbell River

February 25th Rally for Old Growth in Victoria BC

— with on the spot reporting, films and photographs from Helen Hall

In recent years, the BC government has made many promises, many representations to the public, about its intent to preserve what little is left of the Province’s old growth forests. Many BC residents, however, feel that — despite the arrival in office of more reality-based politicians such as David Eby — no real progress is being made.

Some of these residents attended a March and Rally in Victoria on February 25th, to express their concerns about deforestation and their frustration with the slowness of government response to what many describe as an ecological crisis. Helen Hall, longtime Cortes resident, traveled to Victoria to participate in this protest.

Continue reading February 25th Rally for Old Growth in Victoria BC

Feb 25 in Victoria: Local Organizations preparing for Old Growth Rally

On the eve of the 2020 provincial election, Premier John Horgan declared, “I’m committed to keep moving forward to protect old growth, create good jobs, and maintain family-supporting livelihoods in communities across the Province. A re-elected BC NDP will implement the full slate of proposals from the Old Growth Strategic Review Panel. We will act on all fourteen recommendations and work with Indigenous leaders and organizations, industry, labour and environmental organizations on the steps that will take us there.”

It has been almost two and a half years and very little of this has come into being.

Continue reading Feb 25 in Victoria: Local Organizations preparing for Old Growth Rally

 The Dark Side Of VIHA (Vancouver Island Health Authority)

(Editor’s note: The following open letter mentions matters of concern to residents of the entire Greater Campbell River Health Area, which includes Cortes, Quadra and other Discovery Islands.)

An open letter to the Honourable Adrian Dix, Minister of Health for B.C. from Lois Jarvis, Richard Hagensen and Joanne Banks on Behalf of Citizens for Quality Health Care.

17 years ago, 6 people from the Comox Valley and 4 from Campbell River formed Citizens for Quality Health Care (CFQHC) to lobby for 2 acute care fully functional hospitals as all previous studies indicated were needed for the largest geographical area of Vancouver Island. VIHA had planned to downsize the Campbell River Hospital to a triage centre and replace both hospitals with one hospital located 40+ km south of Campbell River which would have been disastrous for all the people of the North Island and the Campbell River economy. 

Continue reading  The Dark Side Of VIHA (Vancouver Island Health Authority)

Just Transition Rally in Campbell River

Cortes Currents was in attendance at the March 12 “Just Transition Day of Action” event in Campbell River.

Approximately 25 people attended the event, promoted and inspired by the international climate organization 350.org and hosted locally by the Campbell River Chapter of Council of Canadians, a national justice, democracy and human survival organization.

Continue reading Just Transition Rally in Campbell River