Tag Archives: Shale Gas and Hydraulic Fracturing: Framing the Water Issue

Supporting Canadian oil and gas Producers

Editor’s note: The opinions you are about to read are those of the author, the people she interviewed and not necessarily endorsed by Cortes Currents.

By Serena Lapointe, Whitecourt Press, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

On November 22, during the Regular Meeting of Whitecourt Town Council, Councillor Paul Chauvet proposed submitting a resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) on Canadian oil and gas imports. Councillor Paul Chauvet suggested crafting a resolution urging FCM to advocate the Federal Government to implement a policy that requires all imported oil and gas utilized in the country to meet the same laws that Canadian producers must follow, including environmental and human rights standards. Councillor Chauvet said that countries that import gas and oil that could not meet those standards should be subject to additional tariffs. During the meeting, Council voted to look into the issue further.

Continue reading Supporting Canadian oil and gas Producers

The EPA’s Painfully Inadequate Fracking Assessment

By Roy L Hales


After five years of research, the EPA’s painfully inadequate fracking assessment has been released. “It’s a bit underwhelming,” said Amanda Frank, from the Center for Effective Government. Dr Allan Hoffman, a retired senior analyst with the Department of Energy, referred to the draft report as “disappointing.” They were referring to the extent that industry was allowed to thwart the EPA investigation.

Continue reading The EPA’s Painfully Inadequate Fracking Assessment

Fracking’s threat to Water Quality


Dr Allan Hoffman recently compared the fracking boom to the market for illegal drugs. Regardless of the problems, there is simply too much money to be made. He expects the boom to continue for several decades. Together with Professor EM Gustav Olsson, of Lund University, and Andreas Lindström, of Stockholm International Water Institute, Hoffman has just written a report entitled, “Shale Gas and Hydraulic Fracturing: Framing the Water Issue.” As the title suggests, the focus is fracking’s threat to water quality.

Continue reading Fracking’s threat to Water Quality