Tag Archives: Stephanie Smith

Library strike could start Wednesday

The libraries in our area are preparing for a strike. Shortly after BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU), which represents the librarians, issued a 72-hour strike notice last Wednesday, the Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) made a new offer to its librarians. This was rejected and the union responded with a counteroffer.

Their collective agreement with the VIRL expired 15 months ago.

BCGEU President Stephanie Smith said, “Unless the employer comes back with a serious offer, pickets will be up at VIRL branches starting Wednesday, March 9.”

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Vancouver Island Regional Library served strike notice

Picket lines could go up in front of Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) branches as early as 8 AM Thursday.   

The BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) served the Vancouver Island Regional Library board with 72-hour strike notice on Monday. 

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How Is Proceeding With Site C Not Breaking A Treaty?

By Roy L Hales

It has been eight days since the RCMP gunned down a demonstrator in Dawson Creek. According to the Independent Investigations Office, he “approached officers in an aggressive manner and when he did not comply with directions and commands, he was shot.” It is the latest in a series of  actions, which appear to have began with the BC government’s decision to break Treaty #8. Though this aspect of the project is not often talked about, the terms of the treaty seem clear. First Nations were to have use of the lands about to be submerged as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the river flows. So how is proceeding with Site C not breaking a treaty?

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