Tag Archives: Vancouver Aquarium

Jason Johnson: QXMC’s new General Manager

Cortes Currents learned that Jason Johnson was going to be Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation’s (QXMC) new General Manager back in June, but at that time he was busy finishing up as Sayward’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Around the time Johnson took over the helm of the Klahoose First Nation’s economic development corporation, I was on vacation for three weeks. We finally sat down on Monday to talk about Johnson’s first five weeks at the helm of QXMC.

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Cortes Island’s New Alternate Director

Most Cortes residents probably know Cortes Island’s new Alternate Director through the Community Forest, or the Food-Co-op Cafe. Given all the political shenanigans of recent months, some probably wonder why anyone would want to represent this island. So who is this mysterious young woman? I recently had an opportunity to interview Corry Dow at her home on Gunflint Lake

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