Originally published on Heartwood, Field Notes
BC’S Ancient Forest movement is a diverse coa;ion of First Nations and settler communities, youth and elders, unions and businesses, which is united against industrial scale logging of old growth forests on Vancouver Island and the Coast of BC.
They’re fighting for the conservation of high priority forests on private lands owned by TimberWest, Island Timberlands and others; the curtailment of raw log exports; and investments in sustainable second-growth forestry and secondary industries that will create jobs for British Columbians, while allowing the forests
to mature and regenerate.
In order to achieve these goals, the Ancient Forest Alliance is calling for a $40 million per year Park Acquisition Fund for the next ten years (for a total of $400 million), which will allow the province to purchase these priority lands from private timber companies and restore them to the commons. They would also like to see the protected areas that were deregulated in 2004 by the BC government reinstated, such as those that were previously set aside for deer and elk winter ranges.
And in the meantime, they want the timber companies to back away from logging these high conservation value forests, such as old growth and community watersheds, until the funds can be raised to purchase these lands.
Communities from Cortes Island, Quadra Island, Powell River, Roberts Creek, Port Hardy, Parksville, Port Alberni, Port Renfrew, Kwakiutl territory, Hul’qumi’num territory and Victoria are standing together under the banner, “No Community Stands Alone.”
Join the movement!