The Cortes Children’s Forest Trust has just released an incredible video, as part of fundraiser that will end of Tuesday November 29, 2022. As the audio is strong enough to stand on its’ own, I am playing it in today’s program.
If you live on Cortes, you may recognise a few of the voices: Al Huuskonen, Andy Ellingsen, Bruce Ellingsen, Christine Robinson, Daniel Tucker, Emma Mathieu, Kai Harvey, Kiera Tsaknoas, Paul Stamets, Tosh Harvey, Tzeporah Berman, or Zyla Schmidt.
While you can imagine the trees, streams and animals in that video, it is not the same as seeing them. So I have embedded the video below.
Related: Telling the story of the Children’s Forest: A film to push fundraising forward
As many of you know, the Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society is attempting to purchase five parcels of land (totalling 600 acres) from Mosaic Forest Management.
This has been a breakthrough year in that Mosaic has now placed three of these parcels into a carbon offset program that will provide protection for the next 25 years, during which the society will to continue to raise funds to pursue them.
Negotiations are currently ongoing for the remaining two parcels.
The Children’s Forest Trust released this film in hopes of raising $10,000 to pay for the valuation and assessment needed during the final stage of negotiations.

Donations to the Children’s Forest Trust (FTCCIS) are fully tax-deductible and you will be provided with a receipt for that purpose.
They are also offering a copy of Forest Alphabet: Artistic Visions of a Forest in Trust to the Children, written by their alumni in 2010, to all who make a donation of $100 or more.
Click here to access the Cortes Children’s Forest Trust donation page
Top image credit: Tosh Harvey and Zyla Schmit playing in the forest – screenshot from the video
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