Category Archives: Arts

Teenage Breakthrough: A Poetic Response To The Cortes Island Academy Year End Presentation

By Dancing Wolf

Last Thursday, Jan 24, many of us were witness to some great visionary ideas and concepts regarding our near future in 2040.

I was deeply moved and inspired by this remarkable presentation created by the Students of the Cortes Island Academy and wonderfully supported by their Teachers.

So much so that I wrote a short poem to express my gratitude.

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Dance Temple Cortes

Starting on Saturday, January 11th,  Dance Temple Cortes will be held every two weeks in Manson’s Hall.  

“Everyone has an excuse not to dance. In Gabriel Roth’s book, Sweat Your Prayers, there’s  a two page list or maybe a three page list of all the reasons. That’s great, if that’s your choice, but there’s something to be said for  getting over the resistance because there’s no wrong way to dance. There’s no wrong way to move. It’s incredibly freeing to be in a space where you can  dance in all your goofiness, offbeat, rolling around, whatever works for you and just engage with your body in a healthy way,” explained Connie Quail. 

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Folk U-Michael Keith and Greg Osoba Chat About All Things Guitar

On December 20, 2024, host Greg Osoba was joined by guitarist Michael Keith to chat about all things guitar: theory, terminology, sounds, effects, and practice. This is a fun, demonstrative interview for both total beginners and advanced players looking for some new inspiration.

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Jane Newman: Upcoming Creative Craft and Decoration Workshops at the Museum

Jane Newman will be leading a series of creative workshops at the Cortes Island Museum this season.  

“The museum was in contact with me about running some programming this fall,” she explained. “After thinking about it I was like, ‘yeah,  I’m really interested, but I only want to run creative programming. I want to do things that are hands-on.  It’s my thing, I love doing it, I love sharing it with people. I love hanging out with people when they’re making things. The things that come out of it are so precious!’ So I designed three programs. One of them is collage card making, another  is making some garlands and ornaments at ‘Vintage Christmas’ at the Museum and the third one is making homemade snow globes.”

Continue reading Jane Newman: Upcoming Creative Craft and Decoration Workshops at the Museum

A Weekend of Live Theatre at Mansons Hall

Two live theatre productions are coming to Mansons Hall this weekend

Cortes Radio sent over five audio tracks. A lot of Cortes residents are going to recognize the voices of the two people who conducted the interviews that follow but as they chose to not introduce themselves, they are labelled CKTZ in the written version of this story. This is their show and it starts with the PSA for ‘Moonrise, the Rock Opera,’ which opens on at 6 PM on Friday, November 8, 2024:

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