Category Archives: Sports

Petition Against Making Quadra Residents Pay For REC-CREATE Strathcona Gardens

A timeline on the REC-REATE – Strathcona Gardens Revitalization Project website traces the origins of this project back to an operational review in 1998. At that time, most of the community was satisfied with the existing facility and the idea of building a new complex did not gain momentum until 2015. A community survey taken between February 2nd and March 2nd that year found that  someone from 72% of the Campbell River and 64% of Area D households visited Strathcona Gardens at least once a year. Construction for Phase One,  the New Aquatic and Wellness Centre, finally began on September 10, 2024. However the estimated cost of this project had risen to $73 million and the Strathcona Regional District is exploring the idea that Quadra Island and Sayward taxpayers should be contributing. Nothing has been decided, but the SRD has received a stream of letters from hundreds of Quadra Island residents stating they do not use Strathcona Gardens and definitely do not want to pay for it!  A little group calling itself the Friends of Area C collected hundreds of names on a petition opposing the suggestion that Quadra taxpayers should be included in Strathcona Garden catchment area.  

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Pemby Pounder trail race set for June 21

Luke Faulks,  Pique Magazine, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Pemberton’s premiere trail race is back… with a re-brand. After crowdsourcing a new name, co-owners Charlotte Paul and Kristian Manietta settled on “The Pemby Pounder” to signify the “heart-pounding climbs” and the “leg-pounding descents” of their event.

The Pounder has a nine-kilometre and 22-kilometre course. Both courses start at Den Duyf Park, before setting out down the Mackenzie Basin access road and into the Basin’s network of trails.

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Cortes Island’s Proposed Multi-Sports Court

The Southern Cortes Community Association (SCCA) partnered with several local sports to build a multi-use sport court beside the Cortes Island Skate Park. The proposed facility would consist of two courts on a 60 foot by 60 feet concrete or asphalt square. It could be used for pickleball, basketball, volleyball, badminton or tennis.

According to Cora Moret, Executive Director of the SCCA, there is currently a complete lack of sports courts on Cortes Island. 

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Vancouver Island Indigenous Snowboard and Ski Team recruiting new athletes, mentors

By Nora O’Malley, Ha-Shilth-Sa, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Vancouver Island, B.C. – Up Mount Washington, Indigenous youth can ride through the trees or sit and throw snowballs – it’s all about having fun and being free for members of the Vancouver Island Indigenous Snowboard and Ski Team.

The recreation-focused, 100 per cent volunteer driven snowboard and ski team is accepting applications from Vancouver Island-based Indigenous youth ages 12 to 17 until Nov. 12. Members receive a pass to Mount Washington Ski Resort for the 2024-2025 season, access to gear if they need, plus holistic training that promotes healthy living and long-term love for the sport.

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Cortes Pickleball Society establishes committee to get new courts built, hires architect

By Louis Belcourt, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from

The Cortes Island Pickleball Society has recently established a Pickleball committee with the South Cortes Community Association to oversee the potential construction of Pickleball courts next to the skatepark.

Mary Jo Woolgar, long time resident to Cortes, introduced Cortes to Pickleball with her husband about two years ago and she says its often described as “a lifestyle.”

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