The situation for 57 boats tagged on the beach in Mansons Landing Provincial Park has changed. They were origiinally to have been destroyed if not moved within 30 days. That was before Lisa Ferentinos spoke with BC Parks Supervisor Thomas Porsborg. Now the removal order only applies to ’15 boats that have been determined to be derelict.’
Ferentinos emailed Cortes Currents, “Photos of the 15 boats will be made available soon through an announcement on Tideline with a link. BC Parks is interested in meeting with community members when they come to the island sometime around the end of November. They will notify us of the date. They can show us the boats to be removed before it happens. We can discuss with them potential areas for storage of boats adjacent to the parking lot. They also need to determine a strategy for reducing the number of boats being stored. Boats can’t be kept anywhere they will destroy the coastal strand vegetation that protects the shoreline.”
Porsborg thanked Ferentinos for her interest in resolving this issue, writing “it’s much appreciated.”
He also informed her that there are no other BC Parks that have a similar issue with boats being stored on park property, as storage of anything on park property is illegal. However, there are community groups that have partnership agreements with Parks to maintain trails and interpretive sites.
If an organization were to make an agreement with Parks for a structure to hold kayaks and canoes, or an area for boat storage, liability insurance would be required and something like an annual registration fee might need to be charged to cover it.
He stated that eventually BC Parks will require that all boats be moved outside the park boundary, but they have no timeframe for this.
The Canadian Coastguard is aware that the derelict boats that may be creating pollution inside the lagoon and at some point they may beome involved in this issue.
Also, the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans is selling off wharves that are not primarily used for fisheries. This includes the dock at Mansons Landing.
Meanwhile BC Parks will be coming to Mansons Landing Prov Park for a walk-about towards the end of November.
You have been listening to a synopsis of Lisa Ferentinos email, which Park Supervisor Thomas Porsborg has seen and commented on.
All Photos taken by Roy L Hales at Mansons Landing Provincial Park.
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