Cars boarding the Cortes-Quadra Island Ferry

Vaccination update for Cortes and Quadra Islands

More than 800 adult Cortes Island residents were vaccinated during the Whole island immunization March 25th to 27th, and the previous clinics at the Klahoose village, but some people still missed out. If you are one of them, there is still a chance to get vaccinated.

Photo credit: COVID 19 by Ricardo Huñis via Flickr (Public Domain)

Vaccination update for Cortes Island

  • Call Public Health to book an appointment on April 28th with Cortes Island’s health nurse. Limited number of spots available. 250-850-2110
  • Or call 1-833-838-2323 to book an appointment with Quadra Island’s immunization clinic May 3rd to 7th.

Vaccination update for Quadra residents

Adrienne Breen, Patient & Public Engagement Advisor at Island Health, emailed that some  Quadra Island residents  have mistakenly been booked into Campbell River

“I  understand that initially, some Quadra Island residents experienced .challenges with the provincial booking system. If you or someone you know encounters this challenge, telling the booking agent that you are within the Island Health Authority and are eligible to book at the clinic in the Quadra Community Centre will help them clarify and get you booked in,” she wrote.

Links of Interest

Top photo credit: Cars boarding the Cortes-Quadra Island Ferry by Roy L Hales

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