Canada's National Debt

Monthly Stats For Dec 2023

3,027 people made 7,024 pageviews; 79 daily & 587 weekly users ; average Campbell River session 5:41; Podcasts – 1,215 plays

Visitors accessed 1,627 posts and index pages on Cortes Currents. The aggregate count for Canada’s National Debt reached 38,515 views. This was a topical index page consisting of short candidate interviews during the 2019 election. However the vague title and first page Google search results continue to draw viewers in. The 117 people who came this month stayed for an average of 57 seconds.

The top 3 posts this month , in terms of views, were:

  1. (199 views) Cortes Island’s First Housing Forum (3:04)
  2. (143 Views) A Cortes Island Resident’s Contributions to the 2023 NDP Convention (2:27)
  3. (128 Views) Misinformation About The SRD Housing Service (1:50)

Cortes Currents – 7,024 PV

Sources of Traffic – from Google G4A

  • 1,886 people came through the web, primarily Google searches
  • 728 people came directly to Cortes Currents
  • 431 people were referred by third party sites, primarily Tideline
  • 21 people came through social media
  • 18 people are unassigned

Top 4 nations visitors came from

Visitors came from 52 nations, the top 5 being:

  1. Canada – 2,382 people – averaging 2:42 per session
  2. United States – 378 people – averaging 1:12 per session
  3. United Kingdom – 40 people – averaging 0:38 per session
  4. Germany – 37 people – averaging 0:41 per session

Top 3 Canadian locations – Google Analytics G4A

  1. CKTZ’s listening area – 640 people
    • Greater Campbell River (includes Cortes & Quadra Islands) – 340 people, averaging 5:41 per session
    • Undesignated West Coast rural area – 232 people, averaging 1:43 per session
    • Powell River – 59, averaging 1:26 per session
    • Comox – 9, averaging 2:18 per session
  2. Vancouver – 604 people; averaging 2:07 per session
  3. Victoria – 99 people, averaging 2:43 per session

SoundCloud – Revised to 563 from 1,156 Plays

Suspected Robotic visits

There was an influx of 506 plays from Des Moines, Iowa, which has a robotic industry. As SoundCloud does not display the duration or bounce rate of plays, I checked Cortes Currents for visits from Des Moines. There was one visit in January, which for 0 seconds and its bounce rate was 100%. This is fits the MO of a bot visit, so I subtracted the 506 plays from the total.

The top 3 podcasts, in terms of plays, were:

  1. (165 Plays) The Awakeneers New Single: December In The North
  2. (23 Plays) TruthTelling with Rex Weyler & CIA students on FolkU@89.5
  3. (20 Plays) Campbell River Art Gallery may be muzzled, but community speaks out

Sources of Traffic

  • 599 plays came through rss feeds; there were 517 SoundCloud embedds and apps
  • 201 plays on Cortes Currents
  • 88 plays on SoundCloud
  • 12 plays on Cortes Radio
  • Other sources

Top 3 nations of origin:

Visitors came from 52 nations, the top 3 were:

  1. Canada – 381
  2. United States – Revised to 60 from 563 Plays
  3. Saudi Arabia – 46 plays

Top 3 Canadian locations

  1. Vancouver – 145 Plays;
  2. CKTZ’s listening area – 122 (Mansons Landing – 105 Plays; Campbell River – 10; Heriot Bay – 4; Comox – 3)
  3. Toronto -12 Plays

Apple Podcasts – 59 Plays

Two podcasts stood out:

  1. (19 Plays) What the Cortes Housing Survey says: problems and possible solutions – Cortes Currents
  2. (14 Plays) Folk U: Michael Datura on existentialism, climate change, and bees

CKTZ 89.5 FM

Listeners on Cortes Island , Quadra, Campbell River and down the Salish Sea coastline to Powell River and Comox. 8 AM & (repeating) 3 PM, Mon to Fri; Saturday Round-up at 1 PM.